Friday, November 26, 2010

Tingly Toes

There is a tingle in your toes, and a smile that is hard to wipe from your face when you have a solid, proper romp.  Everyone knows it.  When its done right, it is just plain lovely.

Anyone can pull home a wasted contributer to jump in the sack, slobber about, and rip off clothes and get busy.  Its fine, and it surely serves a purpose.  It can be exhilarating in a serious way.

But when you get the other kind: the sensitive, slow, touching, brisking, licking, kissing, grazing, caressing, sensitive roll in the sack, you just sigh, "what a difference that can be!"

As you conjure up memories of last week, last month, or the last decade perhaps of when you experienced this kind of "tingly toes" moment, you feel it.  You remember it vividly and can sigh almost out loud about how wonderful it made you feel.  It is like medicine for the soul to be cared for, and embraced in this manner.

Damn, how great it is to have a case of the tingly toes.

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