Thursday, October 21, 2010

its a small world after all

A stray dog is a stray dog and a random guy you bring home from a bar one night is strikingly a similar situation.

Janae filled her life with experiences and acted spontaneously to capture each moment and each opportunity.  She was here, she was there and lately had met a handful of random strangers.

Two evenings in the same month, she found herself a decent cutie, ending in some solid 2 am make-out sessions.  The funny thing is not the random 1:00 am acquisition, and then the solidification of that acquisition by continuing the party once the bar had closed its doors.  The humorous aspect is that each of these totally unique and random males were associated with another female in our friendship extended circle of rockin chicks.  So, does Janae have the same taste as this other female simply or is this the reality when you have lived in a place too long and the open options are becoming scarce?

Next time you take home a stray dog or go home with a stray, remember the world indeed can be quite small.  Look before you leap or leap and share the goods....

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