Monday, July 5, 2010

Pamela and her playground

Ms. Pamela was finally able to sluff off the sadness of her broken marriage and was embracing her newly found confidence.  She shared tales of dating, ego boosts and the realization that she was actually cute and fun (something she had forgotten).  Even though the demise of her 20 year relationship was heartbreaking, she saw the silver lining in this new life that she was living.  Her temporary wild streak was part of her therapy.  It allowed her to feel good, feel sexy and feel confident again.  She bonded differently with those she loved, and appreciated the valuable people in her life at a much higher level.  Instead of feeling sick with uneasiness when her husband did not come home, sitting up waiting and wondering.....she was now turning down dates and managing her own social calendar based on her own whims and notions.  She had control again, and it felt like she was on top of the mountain.  She had the house, the kids, no worries, and all the dates a girl could want.....along with an ex-husband that realized how foolish he was.  Everything was just where she wanted it to be.

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