Monday, January 10, 2011

so simple, but somehow commonly so difficult

Too often couples get so comfortable with one another over time that they don't bother to reconnect with one another like they did during the early stages of their relationship. Remember when you used to ask your mate questions like: "So what are you thinking?" when he looked off into space or stared intensely at you. It seems simple, but the general thoughtfulness may be overlooked as time goes on, "What would you like to do together? Is there anything I am doing that you aren't pleased with?" Curiosity, genuine interest and excitement facilitate communication allowing your mate to share his or her feelings. When you forget to be in touch, and focus on going through the motions, that is when things go awry.  Many of my friends talk about how difficult it is to find someone to commit, and to actually achieve a relationship at all.....but once you are there, that is when the real challenge begins.  It takes long term effort, kindness and attention to keep a fire lit.

These days it is automatically assumed that a lover knows what his or her mate is feeling and that can be dangerous for any relationship. People change so it doesn't hurt to see if your mate's feelings have changed, future plans have been rearranged, and certain interests have been abandoned since the early days of the relationship.  How difficult is it to take time, at least once a month, to have a heartfelt discussion with your mate about relationship related things? Surprisingly it can be easily overlooked.  Doing this, can help with any insecure feelings, inner conflict or something else that may be bothering you concerning your mate.  It is imperative to use those idle moments to talk about ambitions, goals, parenting problems, and challenges with relatives or friends. It is far better to dig in and stay close than to allow a vast canyon to form between you.  Over time, it only gets wider and deeper, sometimes beyond repair.  Simple...yes?  Easy, no.

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