Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What makes men "Undateable"

We love men, we really do.  However, as Ellen Rakieten and Anne Coyle point out in their book Undateable, there are several things a man can do that will have us running in the opposite direction.

Their book can be 
“an essential rating system that ranges from minor red-flag offenses all the way to the irreversible kiss of death.” 

Here are a few items that we can strongly stand by these women on.
Sunglasses indoors
Mr. Have You Met My Chest
Tween texters
Pointy, Shiny Shoes
Men Who Don't Like Animals
Men With Highlights

The Rockin Chicks can also contribute to this list:
Guys who email/text but won't actually pick up the phone to speak to you
Guys who eat with their mouths open
Guys who cannot remember important dates or facts, but remember sports stats miraculously
Guys who wear Ed Hardy anything
Guys who get wasted and claim to have forgotten every last thing about the evening

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