Saturday, June 21, 2008

Yacht or Not?

The Rockin Chicks wanted to find a boy with a boat as the July 4th holiday is approaching and they thought it would be fantastic to be basking on a yacht in the ocean, drinking cocktails, waving to the other boats, listening to music and feeling spectacular. So they went out with that goal in mind. They chose bars which were adjacent to the water where lots and lots of boats are parked to even further increase odds of finding a good boat owner worthy of these lovely ladies. Spotted....a young, well built guy cleaning his boat. He was taking such pride in wiping down every surface meticulously, scrubbing, cleaning......and the girls watched from the windows above at the bar. The coug was smashed up against the glass trying to determine his age and if he was indeed hot. He appeared so from the distance, so off she hopped from her stool and dashed out of the bar. She tried one direction and found no entrance to get down to the docks. So she went around the back, and faced a locked door leading to the docks. With no other options, dejected she went back to her friends in the bar. "Nice effort", they told her. They continued to watch the hot, young gent make the final touches on his boat and then , without warning, a girl appears from the cabin! Phew, good thing that gate was locked......or the coug could have made herself into a fool trying to pick up the boat boy with a girlfriend down below in the hull. I guess she could have always knocked her off into the cold harbor water?!

1 comment:

Paige said...

Running around the dock in those shoes??? Treacherous. But I'm sure the girlfriend would have looked better soaking wet-