Thursday, June 5, 2008

skinny jeans hampering the heat in the bedroom?

What do you do when you are enthralled in hot and heavy make out time and the male is trying to tug your pants off and they are such skinny jeans that they get all stuck at the ankles?Eliza was plagued with this moment which felt like hours the other evening when in a make out session around 3 am with a hot mystery boy. Her lovely black skinnies were nearly leggings, and ended up getting stuck around the ankles, leaving her looking less than graceful as she had to reach up and try to help the mystery male free herself from these torture devices that we call fashion! They both tugged at the jeans, Eliza almost falling off the bed at this point.........and finally she was free. But seriously, now I know why Guess created those weird little ankle zippers?! It all makes sense now. Eliza wondered if she could find some vintage Guess to alleviate this problem in the future and to minimize the embarrassment of being stuck in your skinnies?!

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