Monday, October 15, 2007

From Young Bucks to Silverbacks

It is always amazing the range of men in a bar that think they have a shot with one of us. I mean, a serious 25 year spread can be occuring on any one night. That is a large range even for the most open minded of chicks. This is the tale of big spreads of boys trying to get a piece.

First there were banker boys of all ages post work party saying hello,
The older dude & the young buck both hoping to get past go.

Nice enough, we chat and banter about meaningless crap,
Hoping not to get stuck too long in this mediocre man trap.

The Silverback sets up post at the end of the bar,
Staring, neck cocking, he hopes that he is on par.

After about 15 stares and glances in a 5 minute session,
he gets the guts to approach the coug to seal his intentions.

Standing between 2 boys, she glances up to see Silverback square in the face,
drunken, and wreaking of whiskey, she wishes she had some mace!

He finally retreats back to his post.
The coug has a psycho admirer she boasts.

When the silverback moves back in for the kill,
the cub steps up and tells him we've had our fill.

The cub saves the day, the young buck looks on with awe,
He just wants some love, but his actions are raw.

The cub teaches him a thing or two about what women want,
Descriptive, X-rated, the words entice and haunt.

Its 3am and the men have been slowly shot down,
If you want to feel good, just come to this town!

All in a good nights fun for the coug and the cub,
Toying with boys & old men, while we rock the pub.

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