Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sexi Plexi

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
dumb girl + smooth operator
We have seen it before....dumb, naiive girl, and older, smooth, creepy successful man. The scene is too familiar and we have all heard the stories. She loves the attention, he makes her feel like a beauty queen, like a diva, like a star.....and thinks she is soooo special. But really, its the same lines the smooth operator has used hundreds of times before. She flocks to him likes bees on honey. stupid girl.....she will end up used up like a piece of gum!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dirty Girl
Prim by day, naughty by night, the business girl craved the dirty world!
She knew it was all fantasy, but the craving ran deep!
So she acted on the craving, and signed up for devious world of pole dancing class. There she learned skills such as lap dances, pole spins, booty grinding, sexy walking, "heavy hair", how to undress, how to dance in tall clear heels or platform boots, and how to crawl across the floor to get men all hot and heavy. She wonders if her new skill set will ever pay off? Will someone want to see the skills? Will someone be entertained and urge her to learn more circus tricks?

She knew it was all fantasy, but the craving ran deep!
So she acted on the craving, and signed up for devious world of pole dancing class. There she learned skills such as lap dances, pole spins, booty grinding, sexy walking, "heavy hair", how to undress, how to dance in tall clear heels or platform boots, and how to crawl across the floor to get men all hot and heavy. She wonders if her new skill set will ever pay off? Will someone want to see the skills? Will someone be entertained and urge her to learn more circus tricks?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Corral and mental morale

Seeker was newly single, and dipping in the corral concept. He had a regular coug that sampled his goods. But she liked him quite a bit. So he decided to keep things open and play with a young 22 year old diva who wanted a piece of Seeker's sexy ways. He brought home waitresses from the bars he frequented, young girls he picked up at the very same spots, and familiar faces who who basically come over at the drop of a hat. He was getting his corral on, as one would say.

But Didi needed a corral, because she liked Seeker and Seeker liked her also but the reality was that the timing was way off. She needed a distraction. So she got a few boys in the mix, one to kiss, and one to date, and she struggled with keeping an interesting base in her corral. Whats a girl to do?
Passionate Reuniting

With built up tension, and sexual desire, they unleashed their passions. A few hours later, they decided that they needed to do it all over again to satisfy their hunger for one another.
Lola just feels like she is getting stirred up for more love and sex, can't wait until CJ gets homes!
The Real Coug Strikes

That being said, she did not forewarn about the real cougar dwelling just a few houses away! Real Cougar made every attempt to come over and help walk the dog, hoping to steal a view of house sitter boy's naked bottom....or maybe more. She snuck in early and to her avail, never a peek! But she did see a red stilletto heel, some pantyhose strewn over the couch, and clothes all over the living room, so she knew that house sitter boy was getting some lovin the night before. She boldly provided an invitation if he was ever lonely to come down and sample some cougar love. House sitter boy was haunted with the idea of going for it with the Real Cougar and having that experience of the older woman, and the fear of really doing something so bold. For now, this is to be continued................
Monday, October 20, 2008
Landmark bathroom
This is a tale of a guest star boy who just happens to know the Rockin Chicks....scandal and smooches are not just left for the chicks we know and love, but apparently our male friends are catching on. Guest Star Boy had a nice life, a girl with a ring, a sweet little future. All was prim and proper and life was good. But was life boring? perhaps! One evening with the little lady at home sleeping in her pearls and rock on the finger, he stepped out to sample the flavor at the bars just blocks away. He saw something he liked, and though he fought temptation, he just could not say no as they made their way into the upstairs bathroom at Landmark, only for lips to meet and a sin to be had. Little pearl sleeps at home while Guest Star is misbehaving in a stall! Whats next?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Naughty Nicolita

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
How many is too much?

While on vacation, Eliza feels swept away in the moment. She loves the mystique of being in a new city. She loves the sense of feeling like someone else. She loves the attention, the attraction and the excitement! She gets carried away..........one night, two nights, 3 nights and 4. Each night, a new boy. She loves being touched, kissed and pleasured by all of these handsome gentlemen. Eliza took the city by storm, she played, she layed and she felt so fulfilled. Yippeee for boy filled vacations............the tales and antics of Rockin Chicks lives on
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
struggles and strife

Sex sprees

Just make sure when you run around in different boys beds that you are not leaving any surprises behind!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
young bucks
Saturday, August 9, 2008
2 much
"Sometimes too much action can just be too rough!"
ShoeDiva yelped as she said enough was enough!
Her boy toy had visited and left her all sore
lots of romance and action, he was never a bore
He met her friend Titi and bought the girls drinks
He was charming and sweet, and garnered a wink
ShoeDiva had her serving and then had some more
of the boytoy flavor, from the bed to the floor!
ShoeDiva yelped as she said enough was enough!
Her boy toy had visited and left her all sore
lots of romance and action, he was never a bore
He met her friend Titi and bought the girls drinks
He was charming and sweet, and garnered a wink
ShoeDiva had her serving and then had some more
of the boytoy flavor, from the bed to the floor!
Gettin Cheeky
Crystal was all dolled up in a bright red dress
Long hair curled, high heels, and sure to impress
She had lots of drinks, but not much food
She was silly and fun and in a fantastic mood!
She looked fantastic, a real doll
She was all geared up to have a ball
She met a brown berry who was hot as hot
he pounded some drinks and sober he was not!
Somehow her little red dress sprang a tear!
her butt cheek exposed, some people did stare!
But Crystal didn't mind, she pulled on the rip
her little butt was seen as she took a sip....
of one drink too many, the girlie was sauced
Somehow, her inhibitions were lost!
Brown Berry threw her atop the bar
The bouncer decided they took it too far!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Law Enforcement
Svea had a longing for law and order
She wanted to be frisked in the corridor
She like the power and authority of the cop
She liked the sirens and the gun that goes pop
She felt devious, protected and certainly safe
she had her cop and he had his waif
They had secret love just in the start
hiding it from the guy with the grocery cart
soon she ditched Mr. grocery boy
leaving him for her new cop toy
I think they use handcuffs to liven things up
He turns on the sirens and things just erupt!
She wanted to be frisked in the corridor
She like the power and authority of the cop
She liked the sirens and the gun that goes pop
She felt devious, protected and certainly safe
she had her cop and he had his waif
They had secret love just in the start
hiding it from the guy with the grocery cart
soon she ditched Mr. grocery boy
leaving him for her new cop toy
I think they use handcuffs to liven things up
He turns on the sirens and things just erupt!
Sissy in Buenos Aires

she was quite a hot little missy!
She had a gorgeous smile the size of the sea,
She looks like Sharon Stone to a tee!
She found herself immersed in a cloud of men,
down in South America, the land of zen.
dark, gorgeous, mysterious men all around,
love, lust, steak and romance were all abound!
She found a lover, she landed on his lap,
they had crazy passion, all over the map!
the language was tough, no one could talk,
but they sure could get that bed to rock!
While down in Argentina, she injured her limb,
She flirted, she flashed and pranced on a whim.
She left that country happy as can be!
Who needs the land of the free?
Green with Envy

We have all heard the term "green with envy" and most of us ladies have experienced it at one time or another. Envy, Jealousy, betrayal are all ugly-fying traits....ladies, these make you look ugly, nasty, old and icky. We certainly don't need these things negating all of the efforts we make to look young, happy and beautiful. So, resist the temptation to be green with envy, and resist the temptation to be cruel to a friend or even a stranger. It will only make you ugly!

Monday, July 21, 2008

In a world of much needed improved safety, are girls supposed to purchase the rubbers?
Is it expected, courteous, obnoxious, slutty, represent good planning or over assumption?
Is it equally as horrendous if the guy brings 3-4 condoms with him on a first date? Or is that a good sign that he believes safety is important and does not ever go without?
As young dating, fabulous females, these are the things that we must face. Be it sad, be it semi-disgusting, be it whatever you want to say about it, its the hard, cold reality. And we must be well equipped and we must be savvy.
First of all, guys do like the ones that have extra sensitivity, whether or not its false advertising. Some of the rockin chicks think a girl should have a secret stash somewhere in the house not easily found by family members, or the guys themselves when they go into rubber search mode. They can actually almost sniff them out....so beware. You don't want to be the chick with a whole box full of rubber goodies. But having 1-2 of them hidden may prove to be the best thing you ever did! Now, run off and be safe.
Corral maintenance

We have discussed corral building, the importance of having your herd around to ensure there is never a lonely night, a dull moment or an excessive dry spell. However, even more important as collecting herd members is maintaining those in the corral. We must weed them out from time to time if they break the rules or get too testy. We must continually feed and water them to keep them alive and happy. We must visit them from time to time to keep them coming back. And finally we must always evaluate the entire corral to ensure we have a nice, quality herd with those in the forefront, those in the wings and potentially even a front runner.

Trixie had a major corral cleansing moment....that required much attention. The herd had gotten into some problems and some were lost. As she reflected about the loss of Lips#2, and Mr. Aged Wine, her supposed front runner....she realized that she could easily pick up the pieces and rebuild her corral. And that is exactly what she did. Even though she mourned the loss of her front runner (this was a tough loss), she knows she will find even better members soon.
She has added a french herdsman, with all of the charms of a foreigner with the accent, the romance and a fresh addition to the Cali dating scene. 
She has a few select young bucks newly added, all hot, built fabulously, no fat layers, all muscle and beautiful little specimens to toy with. Trixie is tired from all of the management of the corral but knows she will gain all of the rewards!
jealous biotches

As fabulous, rockin chicks we do run across the envious, insecure, judgemental kind of females that stare just a little too long, or even give you the once over from head to foot (bad manners!) and we all know what type of girl they are. They are the jealous biotches of the world. They hate us! They have no real reason to hate, but we give them a pit in their stomach kind of angst, we make them second guess, we make them get all pinched up and intimidated and icky. We don't want to sound like egotistical, raging biotches ourselves.....we just want to have fun, we love our friends, we love meeting new people, we are secure with ourselves and love our lives. We are fun maximizers as my good friend, Teeny has so eloquently coined our charms. We maximize opportunities and we maximize fun whereever we go and whenever we can.
Lately we have run across a few jealous biotches who take, take, take or talk, talk, talk, talk. Just know that karma does bite and the nasty things that you do will come back around....it always does. (wicked witch of the west laugh fading in the distance..............)
Avoid boys sitting down
(this does not represent a hot guy on a stool, but he merely is filling in to set the example here)

A very wise friend once told me to always avoid boys, no matter how amazingly good looking they are, or how flirtacious that they become if they are seated. And its so obvious now.....because they can look good, be fun, charming and interesting but when they hop off that stool.....they can be SHORT!! And short is no good. Nope, short just does not work my girlfriends. and they can actually be really short, like you are looking down on them, quasi-midget land status, where you actually feel kinda sorry for them kind of height. And that just sucks royally if you have spent an entire evening talking to them, buttering them up, and wasting quality conversation on them just to find out that they don't fit the height requirement. Maybe we should have that little height requirement sign like the Theme Parks have, so that all the guys have to walk by it on the way to the bathroom and you can easily tell who passes the "we don't want midgets" test. Now, that would be genious??
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
3 lips in 24 hours

Sometimes things happen in 3 s. For Trixie, this was the case. Cloaked in a strategically sexy dress, hand texting wildly to all of her boys, and a clear cocktail in the other paw, she was setting herself up for an active 24 hours. The first target was a mysterious dark haired gentleman in blue. She had eyed him all night. He was tall, well dressed, nice hair, sexy smile and represented the whole package. A few hours later, with the help of a very cute, chiseled wing man she was laughing, chatting and getting to know this mystery man at the bar. At the close of the evening, he gave her a ride home in his very fancy car, and walked her to the door and kissed her under the moon and the stars. This accounts for lips #1
Meanwhile, Trixie was getting text messages from Brad, the fallen angel, who wanted to meet up all night. She did not know what to anticipate from his godly ways. considering her stomach was growling post kiss with lips #1 , she figured that he could take her to get some food! So a few minutes later, Brad pulls up, she runs out and hops in his truck and off they go to find some food at 2:30am. The expert that he is, he finds a great spot and they enjoy some yummy breakfast croissants filled with eggs, bacon and cheese. After digesting, they end up entangled on the couch making out, in what was quickly becoming hot. This fallen angel was not as pure as he she had imagined! He pushes to move to the bedroom, where her frock is ripped off, as is his shirt and later his huge belt, and even later he starts pulling his jeans off.....she did not initiate that part for the record. They make out half the night until the sun starts rising and they realize they need to close their eyes for a while to get some much needed sleep. They lay half naked, snuggled in her bed for a few hours until he gets up to depart. This is lips #2: the Fallen Angel

After another hour of sleep on her own, Trixie awakens and readies herself for a few hours at the beach with her pal. While there, she gets text messages from Mr. Aged Wine who is comin to town. He says he cannot wait another day to see her, so she is excited and giddy! She wears another flirty frock and pretties herself for the date. He arrives in his shiny SUV and they jet off to her favorite spot. They have a wonderful evening of banter, heartfelt discussion and flirtation. Once home, he grabs her and kisses her passionately as she is trying to pour their nightcaps. Later, clothes torn off, he kisses her again and cloaks her with compliments and sweetness, she melts. They have a passionate and sexy evening, and she is sad to see him go. This is lips #3

The lesson of the story is things do happen in 3 s sometimes and when its this good, 3 strikes you're out could have a whole other conitation. Trixie was out, and ready to rest and think of her 3 lips!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Yacht or Not?
The Rockin Chicks wanted to find a boy with a boat as the July 4th holiday is approaching and they thought it would be fantastic to be basking on a yacht in the ocean, drinking cocktails, waving to the other boats, listening to music and feeling spectacular. So they went out with that goal in mind. They chose bars which were adjacent to the water where lots and lots of boats are parked to even further increase odds of finding a good boat owner worthy of these lovely ladies. Spotted....a young, well built guy cleaning his boat. He was taking such pride in wiping down every surface meticulously, scrubbing, cleaning......and the girls watched from the windows above at the bar. The coug was smashed up against the glass trying to determine his age and if he was indeed hot. He appeared so from the distance, so off she hopped from her stool and dashed out of the bar. She tried one direction and found no entrance to get down to the docks. So she went around the back, and faced a locked door leading to the docks. With no other options, dejected she went back to her friends in the bar. "Nice effort", they told her. They continued to watch the hot, young gent make the final touches on his boat and then , without warning, a girl appears from the cabin! Phew, good thing that gate was locked......or the coug could have made herself into a fool trying to pick up the boat boy with a girlfriend down below in the hull. I guess she could have always knocked her off into the cold harbor water?!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
keep a sock on it

pinnacle of hotel sex

Monday, June 9, 2008
the one everyone wants
The coug knows a good opportunity when she sees it: a chance to be with the one that everyone wants, a boy that lots of girls think is a hottie, many lust after and gets stares from girls on the street, well of course she wants to sample this! she must, she does not like taking no for an answer and having this hot piece of meat would certainly brighten her day. She followed the instructions on how to score any boy you want, (see older posts pleeeze) just like a recipe, step by step and it worked out ever so well. More proof that anyone can score the boy they seek if they put their mind to it. Ladies, sometimes these things almost become too easy, and we all know how fun the chase is......so just hope these boys we are after provide some good chasing or else it really does make things less erotic, less exciting and less enticing. back to the boy that everyone thinks is a hottie...well the coug got him. she got him good. easier than she thought and now he is in her web for playdates whenever they both are feeling it. She enjoyed his chiseled chest, big strong arms and the stigma that he is not truly available, its the best situation ever. They can never be.....but they can surely play and enjoy a life of fantasy and fiction!
Didi reigns the bachelor party

Thursday, June 5, 2008
2 Hotties and a W hotel room
Cici had on a sassy black dress during her night on the town, hoping to get some action with McDreamy boy....she lured him up to her room, lights on dim, champagne on ice, W soundtrack gently playing a hypnotic beat, she senses his nervousness. They sit, she pounces, no time to waste. She kisses and licks his neck, and realizes that there is no real reciprocation. She stops, she pauses some more and says, WTF?? He feels guilt. Guilt that there is no need to explain. He says he wants to f*$# her all night long but must stop himself. She tells him to go. Door closes and he is gone. She texts her back up boy, he replies instantly. He arrives at the door minutes later and she takes him into her bed and they make out well into the morning hours....
skinny jeans hampering the heat in the bedroom?

Monday, May 26, 2008
How to score anyone you want every time
*These skills have been tested, and 99.9% of the time, these instructions will get you the boy that you want. Instructions must be followed closely for similar results.
1) Look around the room and locate the guy that makes your knees weak. Shoot high, don't hold back. Go for the best guy you can find so this chase is all the more rewarding when you score him.
2) You must make eye contact in order to proceed to the next steps. Try to coyly get his eye, by watching him, think sexy/devious thoughts to ensure that you have a certain look in your eyes. If your eyes meet long enough, smile slightly, just enough to make yourself approachable, but not enough to look too excited.
3) Continue this process for a while, ensuring to repeat the look, the smile, and all the while, think "confidence" when you are doing this. Imagine yourself standing there with a whip, and him beggin for mercy if you have to....whatever it takes, to make yourself regally confident and sexy all at the same time.
4) Take a walk past him, maintain some eye contact if you can, and position yourself so he has a nice view of you as you breeze by to the restroom. fling the hair for extra credit.
5) Continue giving him the eye, while laughing and chatting with friends so that he gets to see you looking happy and glamorous as well as sultry and saucy. Hold his eye just long enough that its slighly uncomfortable. Always position yourself in a good angle as well as in a perfect view of your prey.
6) Most of the time, you can get the prey to approach after all of this temptation that you have created. If so, enjoy your easy prey and continue to practice, as practice makes perfect.
7) If he does not approach, then grab your girls and relocate yourselves closer to him and his crew. Stand near them at the bar and open up more opportunity for conversation to arise with the prey.
8) If nothing happens, find something to comment on. For instance, "Wow look at that cougar over there, this is great people watching, isn't it?" Or "They sure pour strong drinks here, don't they? U gotta love that!" or something casual and easy like these examples. This usually does the trick and you are off to the races, in some form of conversation and you can hopefully take it from there.
9) If none of these work well, but you really don't want to let him get away, then just be bold, (extra bold) hand him your card, and tell him that he should call you sometime and see what happens. Why not, take a gamble.
10) Once you have the boy in your web, smile coyly, touch his shoulder to let him know there is interest and also to cop a quick feel on how his arms are doing.
Voila, these tactics have enable ladies to score the boy of their dreams many a time.....just remember its all about sexy eyes, a smile and confidence! Now go find some prey!
1) Look around the room and locate the guy that makes your knees weak. Shoot high, don't hold back. Go for the best guy you can find so this chase is all the more rewarding when you score him.
2) You must make eye contact in order to proceed to the next steps. Try to coyly get his eye, by watching him, think sexy/devious thoughts to ensure that you have a certain look in your eyes. If your eyes meet long enough, smile slightly, just enough to make yourself approachable, but not enough to look too excited.
3) Continue this process for a while, ensuring to repeat the look, the smile, and all the while, think "confidence" when you are doing this. Imagine yourself standing there with a whip, and him beggin for mercy if you have to....whatever it takes, to make yourself regally confident and sexy all at the same time.
4) Take a walk past him, maintain some eye contact if you can, and position yourself so he has a nice view of you as you breeze by to the restroom. fling the hair for extra credit.
5) Continue giving him the eye, while laughing and chatting with friends so that he gets to see you looking happy and glamorous as well as sultry and saucy. Hold his eye just long enough that its slighly uncomfortable. Always position yourself in a good angle as well as in a perfect view of your prey.
6) Most of the time, you can get the prey to approach after all of this temptation that you have created. If so, enjoy your easy prey and continue to practice, as practice makes perfect.
7) If he does not approach, then grab your girls and relocate yourselves closer to him and his crew. Stand near them at the bar and open up more opportunity for conversation to arise with the prey.
8) If nothing happens, find something to comment on. For instance, "Wow look at that cougar over there, this is great people watching, isn't it?" Or "They sure pour strong drinks here, don't they? U gotta love that!" or something casual and easy like these examples. This usually does the trick and you are off to the races, in some form of conversation and you can hopefully take it from there.
9) If none of these work well, but you really don't want to let him get away, then just be bold, (extra bold) hand him your card, and tell him that he should call you sometime and see what happens. Why not, take a gamble.
10) Once you have the boy in your web, smile coyly, touch his shoulder to let him know there is interest and also to cop a quick feel on how his arms are doing.
Voila, these tactics have enable ladies to score the boy of their dreams many a time.....just remember its all about sexy eyes, a smile and confidence! Now go find some prey!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
the 17 yr spread all in a weekend

The coug had a 17 year spread all in a single weekend. She enjoyed a night of making out, rolling around, snuggling and being kissed by a sweet, young buck just a mere 23 yrs of age. Then, a night later, she found herself being kissed on a rooftop deck by a strapping, handsome 41 yr old. they enjoyed making out later that evening. The question arises.....who is better? Is make out ability like fine wine, does it get better with age?
I think in ways its much like wine, you can discover a tasty young, and inexpensive bottle which is a pleasant surprise, while at the same time, enjoy an aged, vintage, italian red which is just a delight to the senses. Boys and their make out abilities are much the same. Now, we just need to determine which pairs best with cheese?
Didi in the Bungalow restroom
Didi was in NYC out on the town with Mimi and her male European room mate, who happened to be cute, charming and single. They were tossing back drinks at Soho House and then onto Bungalow 8. Didi had been flirting with him all night. She went to the restroom and just as she was pushing open the door, he appeared, pushed her back into the little restroom, and told her how he paid off the bathroom attendant so that they could have their little spontaneous affair. They immediately went at it, their bodies embracing as they bumped into walls in the tiny space. Didi all the while was thinking that this may top her list of unusual places for a make out session....and Mimi, still in the club, unaware of the wild restroom party inside Bungalow! Didi and her Euro boy toy ended up back at his place that night for a good romp and some fantastic memories for her to ponder when she is bored and lonely. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Can Girls call for Booty calls?

Monday, May 19, 2008
The art of the corral

Quandries of Jimmy Choo vs. unattached man

The Shoediva is in a quandry. See, this is how it goes....she has been courted for a year now by a very unattached, but sweet man "ShoeGod" who also happens to impart many fabulous gifts. She tries to tell him no, but he gets great joy out of providing these gifts and demands she keep them. Even though she can do what she wants and see whom she wants, she does have feelings for this ShoeGod, and enjoys seeing him. And the gifts are no problem either! Does she continue this secret affair and get more Jimmy Choos, Christian Louboutins or Manolos....or does she turn it off, knowing that it is what it is, while all the while knowing that this may be the end of the shoe gravy train? The agony!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Mafia Man...our own little Tony Soprano in the making

forbidden fruit
We all know the story of the forbidden fruit. We may crave it, but we cannot have it. It can sometimes be the toughest feeling that you ever had to fight. It can feel overwhelming, but it can be overcome with some serious effort. Yet, it leaves you with a longing, and a feeling as if you will never find that piece of the puzzle, like you are missing something perpetually? The angst that comes from doing the right thing.
Have you met someone that was married or taken, and it is just crushing because you know there is an intense connection, amazing chemistry and a feeling that if only timing had been on your side, that you could have truly explored this person........well it happens and it torments you. the connection was made, it was obvious, and the sparks were there, attempting to be muffled by the cold weather, but still firing amidst the chill. eye contact intensifying through the night. Smiles exchanged. as much flirtation as allowed. both sides wanting to see what was there, but knowing it was just not possible. Agony.....ending in a G-rated cuddle, but pushing back intense feelings to go beyond that.....willpower at its greatest. In the end, both left wondering, both left feeling "something", both wishing maybe they had taken it farther and thrown caution to the winds and went for it. Both feeling like morals and conscience is likely the better answer. You know the saying, never say never.....well its a good one to keep in mind my girlfriends because one never knows what can come in life and keeping a thread of hope is kind of fun!
Have you met someone that was married or taken, and it is just crushing because you know there is an intense connection, amazing chemistry and a feeling that if only timing had been on your side, that you could have truly explored this person........well it happens and it torments you. the connection was made, it was obvious, and the sparks were there, attempting to be muffled by the cold weather, but still firing amidst the chill. eye contact intensifying through the night. Smiles exchanged. as much flirtation as allowed. both sides wanting to see what was there, but knowing it was just not possible. Agony.....ending in a G-rated cuddle, but pushing back intense feelings to go beyond that.....willpower at its greatest. In the end, both left wondering, both left feeling "something", both wishing maybe they had taken it farther and thrown caution to the winds and went for it. Both feeling like morals and conscience is likely the better answer. You know the saying, never say never.....well its a good one to keep in mind my girlfriends because one never knows what can come in life and keeping a thread of hope is kind of fun!

McDreamy of sorts

Superman underwear and cougar time
Once upon a time, 2 girls decide to escape the day to day grind to head to the mountain for some ski time. They were certainly enjoying the odds that the mountain provides, as there are far more boys present than girls....always a good thing. Lunch on the patio usually provides for some good boy watching. This time was no different. The two ski bunnies attracted some boys over to their table, and planned to meet them later that night. Fast forward to midnight: music bumping, grinding and dancing to the tunes, a few drinks under and feeling good, chemistry in the air........
Later that evening, neither of the girls wanted to go home empty handed...so they decided to have a private after party for their new finds. However, ski Bunny #1 was not prepared for what she was about to see! Upon entering the condo, she sees a guy race across the hall in red, super man underwear! It was streak of red lightening in the night! Apparently ski bunny #2 was having some superman action?! Ski Bunny #1 had a feeling it would be a memorable evening for all involved. Meanwhile, she was showing the ropes to the young lad who was her fantastic dance partner all night..... With a shrug of the shoulders, she decides she does not care what the rule books say and continues the young flirtation!

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Adelle & french boys on planes

mimi and the tennis star
There once was a blond named "Mimi"who met boys everywhere she went, but just as the story sometimes goes, the shoe never fits. She meets, she flirts, they flirt, she gets drinks, she gets text messages, but they just never seem to quite measure up. Yet, they make for plenty a fun story.
While Mimi was on a tropical island, there happened to be a tennis tournament, involving young, tight, hot athletes roaming about in their tennis gear. Of course many of them noticed Mimi, blond, tan and adorable. 2 of these hot young tennis studs struck up a conversation with her with hopes of some fun later in the night. Later that night, Mimi all decked out in a black mini dress ran into these hot tennis boys. The fliratation was abound, and the glances laced with sexual tension, there would be many text messages to come. Much later in the evening, many drinks later for her, she gave him just enough to keep him interested....a cryptic message that left him hanging. So he waited, and waited and sat in the lobby hoping to see her pass by. Lucky for him, she was sauntering back to her room when they caught each other's eye. The tennis boy was invited back to the room for some late night fun and a good preparation for his big match the next day. The score is "LOVE"...................
While Mimi was on a tropical island, there happened to be a tennis tournament, involving young, tight, hot athletes roaming about in their tennis gear. Of course many of them noticed Mimi, blond, tan and adorable. 2 of these hot young tennis studs struck up a conversation with her with hopes of some fun later in the night. Later that night, Mimi all decked out in a black mini dress ran into these hot tennis boys. The fliratation was abound, and the glances laced with sexual tension, there would be many text messages to come. Much later in the evening, many drinks later for her, she gave him just enough to keep him interested....a cryptic message that left him hanging. So he waited, and waited and sat in the lobby hoping to see her pass by. Lucky for him, she was sauntering back to her room when they caught each other's eye. The tennis boy was invited back to the room for some late night fun and a good preparation for his big match the next day. The score is "LOVE"...................

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