The saucy shoediva had devious thoughts brewing in her head as she pondered the evening activities. You could cut the sexual tension with a steak knife, and it had been increasing for a few weeks between these two. Although Mr. Spice had a serious girlfriend, he felt a strong attraction to the shoediva and just a matter of time before he would stray. Tonight they both were nervous as this could mark the evening where they both decide to take their sexual frustration to a whole new level, or platform.....or stilleto?! During the course of the evening, they eyed each other through the crowd, yet maintaining their composure. Yet, once back in his hotel room, their hearts beat nervously through their chests like teenagers doing this for the first time. They were breathing hard as they undressed each other and then, like wild animals the shoedive and Mr. Spice made passionate hotel room love multiple times. The energy was intense, raw and exciting, and just as she was getting up to get dressed, he pulled her back for more. Another round of hotel room action. Finally, exhausted and satisfied, she had gotten just what she came for....she dressed, put on her saucy heels and pranced on out of the room on the 16th floor and down to valet to pick up her car. She had gotten Mr. Spice to stray and was it well worth it indeed!
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