Some girls have trouble balancing multiple boys....and for them, I believe it is a true shame. Sweet things....you have to collect boys like stamps and put them up in your very own "corral" of boys. Some are positioned in the back of the corral, some move right up to the forefront, and others lurk in the middle. But all get fed a little something to ensure they stick around. Some get special treats, and they are the "au current" superstar of the corral. The smart corral owners know that you don't dismiss corral members unless they really really foul something up, because there is some value in having them in and at least providing minimal maintenance to keep your herd strong. When you have a bad day, or you are feeling fat after downing some pizza, its a total pick me up to get a text from one of your corral members. Or if the corral member needs to fill in and be a date to a wedding, a party or even just come over to make out?! Needless to say, a girl with no corral is a lonely girl. Keeping the corral strong is the key to never having a dull moment. Keeping the corral strong is imperative for popularity upkeep and keeping the corral strong provides much fun! Now get out there and lasso some boys!
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