As fabulous, rockin chicks we do run across the envious, insecure, judgemental kind of females that stare just a little too long, or even give you the once over from head to foot (bad manners!) and we all know what type of girl they are. They are the jealous biotches of the world. They hate us! They have no real reason to hate, but we give them a pit in their stomach kind of angst, we make them second guess, we make them get all pinched up and intimidated and icky. We don't want to sound like egotistical, raging biotches ourselves.....we just want to have fun, we love our friends, we love meeting new people, we are secure with ourselves and love our lives. We are fun maximizers as my good friend, Teeny has so eloquently coined our charms. We maximize opportunities and we maximize fun whereever we go and whenever we can.
Lately we have run across a few jealous biotches who take, take, take or talk, talk, talk, talk. Just know that karma does bite and the nasty things that you do will come back around....it always does. (wicked witch of the west laugh fading in the distance..............)
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