Sometimes things happen in 3 s. For Trixie, this was the case. Cloaked in a strategically sexy dress, hand texting wildly to all of her boys, and a clear cocktail in the other paw, she was setting herself up for an active 24 hours. The first target was a mysterious dark haired gentleman in blue. She had eyed him all night. He was tall, well dressed, nice hair, sexy smile and represented the whole package. A few hours later, with the help of a very cute, chiseled wing man she was laughing, chatting and getting to know this mystery man at the bar. At the close of the evening, he gave her a ride home in his very fancy car, and walked her to the door and kissed her under the moon and the stars. This accounts for lips #1
Meanwhile, Trixie was getting text messages from Brad, the fallen angel, who wanted to meet up all night. She did not know what to anticipate from his godly ways. considering her stomach was growling post kiss with lips #1 , she figured that he could take her to get some food! So a few minutes later, Brad pulls up, she runs out and hops in his truck and off they go to find some food at 2:30am. The expert that he is, he finds a great spot and they enjoy some yummy breakfast croissants filled with eggs, bacon and cheese. After digesting, they end up entangled on the couch making out, in what was quickly becoming hot. This fallen angel was not as pure as he she had imagined! He pushes to move to the bedroom, where her frock is ripped off, as is his shirt and later his huge belt, and even later he starts pulling his jeans off.....she did not initiate that part for the record. They make out half the night until the sun starts rising and they realize they need to close their eyes for a while to get some much needed sleep. They lay half naked, snuggled in her bed for a few hours until he gets up to depart. This is lips #2: the Fallen Angel

After another hour of sleep on her own, Trixie awakens and readies herself for a few hours at the beach with her pal. While there, she gets text messages from Mr. Aged Wine who is comin to town. He says he cannot wait another day to see her, so she is excited and giddy! She wears another flirty frock and pretties herself for the date. He arrives in his shiny SUV and they jet off to her favorite spot. They have a wonderful evening of banter, heartfelt discussion and flirtation. Once home, he grabs her and kisses her passionately as she is trying to pour their nightcaps. Later, clothes torn off, he kisses her again and cloaks her with compliments and sweetness, she melts. They have a passionate and sexy evening, and she is sad to see him go. This is lips #3

The lesson of the story is things do happen in 3 s sometimes and when its this good, 3 strikes you're out could have a whole other conitation. Trixie was out, and ready to rest and think of her 3 lips!
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