Didi and her crew of rockin chicks came upon a group of cute and wild gents while hittin the slopes one fine winter day. there were some hotties in the bunch, and all the girls were pickin their boys for later that evening. they rode hard, snow sprinkles flyin, electricity in the air and certainly some hook ups in the forecast. later that evening the girls spotted their bachelor party crew of cuties at the local watering hole, where the tunes were jammin, the lighting was kind and the liquor was being dished out generously. They instantly meshed, dancing, laughing, smiling, teasing, flirting, drinking, gettin low, shakin it, eyes meetin eyes, grabbin hips, hugs, and even kisses. Didi was creating quite the following, she had a few admirers this evening. The brave one stepped up early and soon enough was dancing, grinding and kissing on Didi, and was he ever the hottie? tall, grey eyes, fabulous smile, nice hair, and totally fun....such a score for Didi. Meanwhile Cici was sandwiched between the rough and tumble rebel and a few other bachelor members here and there, all the while, she was keeping an eye on the "taken one" with whom she had an electric connection with.......ah, sign the pain of frustration. Later as the tunes slowed, the ladies piled into a car, girls on laps, boys smashed in trunks, boys on laps, everyone in good spirits and the energy high. The girls arrive at bachelor party central to be intermixed in the games, the antics and the fun. There, Didi discovers perhaps that she had overlooked a real contender....G-man was sassy, edgy, tall, cute and she felt the chemistry brewing. Didi was caught in a dilema now because she had bachelor #1 all hugs, hands and kisses blanketing her like the heavy snow outside, and this new sassy contender using every open chance to flirt and send Didi the clear signals that he was interested in this lovely lass. What to do? Well what any smart girl would do, why choose when you can sample both? So she did just that. She made out with both bright bachelor party contenders that evening, leaving quite a trail of broken hearts and tales for the boys to share.................
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