Tutu was in a bind. She liked the boy, but he had a girlfriend. Their bond was growing, emotions building with each visit, and ultimately even though they did not plan it, they were smack dab in the middle of a relationship. Though, not officially, legally or tecnicially speaking.....it sure felt like a relationship to Tutu and probably to Mr. HM as well. "But the sex is soooo good!" shrieked Tutu as she justified the illegitimate lovefest. Well sometimes you just gotta go with the animal instincts and get wild, fulfill your fantasies and hope the fall out downstream is tolerable? or Should Tutu cut it off, eliminate this toxic situation, even though it has its serious perks complete with a cute, fun, fabulous man, and make herself more available to eager, unattached young bachelors out there?? What shall she do??
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