Occasionally, we all err....to err is human. Every so often, a member loses their well honed manners and ends up with a story that must be shared. Usually alcohol is involved, but many times it is simply a case of our emotions getting the best of us. Didi is a smart, accomplished, beautiful, fit, and fun girl and makes no apologies about her pursuit of the ideal man. She is driven in many ways. This evening, wing wing pointed out a redhead for Didi to survey. She spied him from a few angles and quickly went in for the kill. She spent some time bantering at the bar with Big Red and then she got word the chick-pack was departing the bar to head to another spot. She was peeled away from Red just in time to jump in the car. She r

ealizes, too many blocks away, that she had given out the wrong number to Big Red. In a state of panic, she dials the bar to see if he is still there. She almost jumps out of the moving vehicle in order to find a cab to head back there, but Shoe Diva reels her in. She has Cici call a friend who was at the bar, desperately hoping she can clarify the phone number blunder. But alas, Big Red is gone. Plagued by distress, Didi loses her cool and forgets the ever important manners that Rockin Chicks must possess. She later does some facebook stalking, and we will see what comes of Big Red? For now, it is a lesson learned for those viewing the scene that night. Being stalker-esque is never attractive.
The second lesson of this weekend is PDA may feel as if it looks good, but it never truly looks good. Deloria lost her cool, while swept into a web of alcohol, lust and opportunity. Making out for over an hour in a crowded bar is not acceptable. Bouncing your head to the beat, while lips are locked is also far from acceptable. Going back for more, and being spotted days later in a busy lobby making out once again is flat out, reason for examination. Girls, get a room, find a quiet park, grab a closet, whatever it takes.....just don't commit extended PDA. This is most definitely a crime you will be embarrassed about later when the butterflies are gone.
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