Salina does the right thing, barely. She knew it would be bad if she let Mr.D up to her room. She stayed her distance as they sat on the bed. She tried to keep conversation flowing, even though it started feeling so unnatural to fill the silences. Each time she looked at him, she knew she was getting closer to doing what she knew was wrong. While she was talking, mid sentence his lips touched hers and he was clearly going in for the kill. They kissed, she pulled away, attempting to be a good girl. Minutes later, he went in again, and this time, she felt the butterflies and the excitement and she could not pull away. They kissed for what seemed like hours. She felt so in tune with Mr. D, and so turned on...it was the greatest chore of all to keep things in check. Her mind raced to what it would be like later that night, the next day and the next and although the short term felt so good, she knew she needed to end it before it went deeper. She kept Mr. D from going too far, and for this she felt accomplished. Though she carries some guilt for getting herself in the trap, she made out alright.
Some can say no, some of us cannot. Its a tough battle of morales, passion, limitations and logic. This time Salina came out on top.
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