Have you found better wrinkle cream in his vanity than what you have on your bathroom shelf?
Have you been asked on a date that included the phrase, "lets have some retail therapy!"
Well, if this is the case you may indeed have a man on your hands that is not really interested in imaging you naked. Rather, he is trying to suppress his inner calling to emulate the metro man. So you date him, blindly thinking there is a chance for romance, but quickly realizing he should try out for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.
The metro man is sure of his manhood, fancies women without a doubt, but appreciates fashion, looking good and may obsess over hygiene and coiffing much like a chick. You will notice he has roving eyes like all men do, when a short skirt saunters by, and yet all the while he can pick out a great pair of gladiators for you.
Steffie learned the hard way, and thought there was hope. Never make the mistake of confusing these 2 entities. One wants to date you, the other only wants to use you as a pawn in his quest to "straighten" himself out.