I can imagine that when you make mistakes, its easy to tell a lie to make yourself look better or even feel better. It is much more palatable to smooth things over, than to tell someone you were a complete asshole and face their disappointment in you. It may be tempting to tell the person who depends on you, cares about you and/or has your back that you forgot the facts, or that you went right home and went to bed, or that you were late because of this or that. There obviously is a range of things to lie about, and they have different levels of consequences and reactions. The question is whether a person can figure out lying causes all kinds of additional stress, misery and worry.....and its not worth it. It is much easier to cough up the truth, face the music early on and rid yourself of days, weeks, months or even years of lies. I am sure that honesty is linked to less ulcers! So, the next time you can lie or simply make like a real person and tell the truth....I challenge you to speak the truth. You will thank yourself.
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