Thursday, December 30, 2010
Charlie chasing the lights
Charlie drove in his convertible, past the fashionistas on the street, his sunglasses allowing his eyes to roam freely. He had a social line up like something of a Head of State. Everything was in order, and his shirts were pressed. Deep down, Charlie wanted to be loved just like everyone else. He probably longed for a mate to curl up on the couch with and laugh at silly movies, to make pancakes for dinner with and to ask her opinion on his tie or his big speech. But, he chased the lights, the mini skirts, the designer handbag carrying gal, the scene, the money, the empty allure of the frenzy to be something. When all along, Charlie was something and the minute he just stopped trying, he may in fact find a real woman with a real heart, complete with good intentions and a life time of good times in store. Surely, Charlie is not alone. The quest is all too familiar. People long for fame, fortune, fancy lives, splendor, luxury and beauty. They do so much, that they convince themselves that within that lies happiness. The longer they chase, the more hungry they can become. Charlie, when you stop chasing the lights you may find the real light in your life.
Is finding the right lover like a puzzle?
One may think finding a solid lover, the kind that satisfies, excites while bringing complete joy is based on chemistry, their experience level or even their personality or hotness. Perhaps the most kind and experienced lover is the best? But what about the idea that some people no matter how skilled they can be, fit better with some people more so than with others. Someone may be an amazing lover with one person and a mediocre lover with someone else. Just like that, its true. Sonya thought about it and consulted her friends to see if she was the only person to ever feel this way. They confirmed her finding. Sometimes, there is a magical fit, like finding the exact piece of a puzzle that leads to the most amazing passion and out of body type of pleasure. When its a fit like this, you realize just how wrong some of other fits were?
9 months=baby?
Timelines, Timelines......and Timing!
- Early March: Margaret met Ivan in Aspen. They quickly became romantic, shared personal stories, kisses and hope for meeting up in California someday. Even though brief, they formed a deep connection.
- Early-Mid March: Margaret does not hear from Ivan. Flurries still in effect, she sends a message which got no reply. Baffled, hurt and confused, she thinks of every possible scenario and wonders why. No answers in sight.
- Summer: She sees a picture of him with a blond girl on his FB page complete with her name, etc.
- December: Pictures show up of her, him and a baby!
Margaret had this mini affair with him in early March, and that is precisely the time that this little baby was created. She never heard from him, and now she knows why! Did he impregnate his ex before their fling? One thing we can say for certain, this guy has a lot on his plate....unexpected bambino! As much as we may try to understand the opposite sex, we may never have all the answers. Then again, life can also just happen failing to stick to our plans, and failing to comply with our wishes.
What just happened?
Just at the moment he was about to reach his pinnacle, amongst their naked flesh rocking back and forth, he yelled out the most unappealing set of words! Aubrey, newly single with child, and just starting to get back in the game, thought "What just happened?" It was such a turn off, she could barely hide her winced expression as she buried her face into his shoulder.
As she swiftly booted him from her apartment that night, the words kept replaying in her head "Suck my Balls!" What would possess a man to yell that out just as an orgasm is about to take place. Is that supposed to be a turn on? Exciting? Sexy? Appealing? Did he intend that as a command or just a fantasy moment? Do you think this character really wanted her to quickly disengage and crawl down there to suck on those things? One may never know. The man was so embarrassed, she had to reassure him about his random, bizarre orgasmic yelp and tell him not to worry about it.
As Aubrey thought more, she realized that this character had a lot to worry about. The conversation at dinner was less than enticing, then she took him home to repair her computer virus and soon realized that she needed sex more than she needed to truly feel attracted to this man. So she asked him if he wanted to have sex, and sure enough, even though it was completely out of left field, he said yes. As they head to her bedroom, she whips out 3 condom choices, describing the differences and benefits. Hoping for a satisfying and pleasurable experience in the most carnal of ways, they undressed and proceeded to embark upon the act. She could barely feel anything, not because he was small, but because he was semi-flacid. This was REALLY not going well. Eventually when things finally got going, she was at least hopeful for some pleasure from the awkward date: low and behold, the man ends yelling out 3 disgusting words. Once it was said, it was said and nothing good could come from that. Still perplexed about why this man was inspired to yell that out at the pinnacle of their moment, she realizes that the single life has a lot of crap in store. Sigh, and on to the next!
As she swiftly booted him from her apartment that night, the words kept replaying in her head "Suck my Balls!" What would possess a man to yell that out just as an orgasm is about to take place. Is that supposed to be a turn on? Exciting? Sexy? Appealing? Did he intend that as a command or just a fantasy moment? Do you think this character really wanted her to quickly disengage and crawl down there to suck on those things? One may never know. The man was so embarrassed, she had to reassure him about his random, bizarre orgasmic yelp and tell him not to worry about it.
As Aubrey thought more, she realized that this character had a lot to worry about. The conversation at dinner was less than enticing, then she took him home to repair her computer virus and soon realized that she needed sex more than she needed to truly feel attracted to this man. So she asked him if he wanted to have sex, and sure enough, even though it was completely out of left field, he said yes. As they head to her bedroom, she whips out 3 condom choices, describing the differences and benefits. Hoping for a satisfying and pleasurable experience in the most carnal of ways, they undressed and proceeded to embark upon the act. She could barely feel anything, not because he was small, but because he was semi-flacid. This was REALLY not going well. Eventually when things finally got going, she was at least hopeful for some pleasure from the awkward date: low and behold, the man ends yelling out 3 disgusting words. Once it was said, it was said and nothing good could come from that. Still perplexed about why this man was inspired to yell that out at the pinnacle of their moment, she realizes that the single life has a lot of crap in store. Sigh, and on to the next!
Sabrina gets the table
Even though some things are toxic, less than ideal or with little long term value, sometimes we still just do them. We realize it may not be our wisest moment, but who says life has to be calculated perfectly? Sometimes we just want to be human.
Sabrina got sucked into banter and flirtation with her ex. It all started with a random sighting, when she was least expecting it and soon enough he had wedged himself into her thoughts. The worst part of it all, was not that he was no good for was that he had a girlfriend! Still, she carried on the chatting, the messages and even a secret meeting. Although she was never going to get anything satisfying emotionally from this man, and no budding relationship would develop from their words or a actions.....she sure would get something!
Just as quickly as she could give him lollipop love, she found herself with a hook up at the coveted restaurant she had been wanting to score a table at for New Years Eve. Poof, just like that.
Sabrina got sucked into banter and flirtation with her ex. It all started with a random sighting, when she was least expecting it and soon enough he had wedged himself into her thoughts. The worst part of it all, was not that he was no good for was that he had a girlfriend! Still, she carried on the chatting, the messages and even a secret meeting. Although she was never going to get anything satisfying emotionally from this man, and no budding relationship would develop from their words or a actions.....she sure would get something!
Just as quickly as she could give him lollipop love, she found herself with a hook up at the coveted restaurant she had been wanting to score a table at for New Years Eve. Poof, just like that.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Megan and her more-than-a-friend
Somewhere in the back of her mind, Megan knew her strictly platonic friend Felix may secretly long for her. She smiled contently as she kept that little inkling tucked away. He exuded confidence, perhaps too much. He was fit, sculpted and collected glances as he entered a room. His bad boy image was not something Megan was interested in, but all the while his pure hotness kept her curious. Time passed, and flirtation was sprinkled about over communication but always friendly and never too bold. It left a door open perhaps, for those brave enough to enter.
One day when the air was right, and there was simply nothing to lose, he made his move to show her just what he really had wanted all along. They were in a crowded place, and he grabbed her hand. She swallowed hard and her breath stopped for a moment. The warmth and purpose of his grip sent her thoughts racing. There was a blatant sincerity she had never witnessed before in his eyes, as he ensured she was alright within the raucous scene. The evening wore on, and she knew that they would both make the leap and cross the line tonight. Even after all this time, somehow and someway this evening felt right for making the plunge and exploring each other in a whole new realm.
When they parted from the group, they could not get home fast enough. They voraciously pulled each others clothes off, with feverish kisses and breath too deep to ignore. Somewhat rabid, wild, brutal and animalistic, they imbibed one another and rocked each other into another galaxy. There was no sign of gentle passion, tenderness, gazes into each other's eyes or a deep understanding of anything. It was the satisfaction of a long standing curiosity and desire, being fed recklessly on this warm evening. They knew that there was no mutual love or real hope for anything between them, it was simply something they both wanted at this moment and perhaps all along. After it was done, they craved it again when they awoke, this time even more barbarous and wanton than the first. It was almost too rough, but they gritted their teeth and tore into each other once more.
Once they had it, there would be a few more times that they would boldly attack one another but the lack of emotion between them allowed it to simply be. Never more or never less. Megan felt mostly content, with a pang of guilt about their exchanges. But in the end, he was just a friend.
One day when the air was right, and there was simply nothing to lose, he made his move to show her just what he really had wanted all along. They were in a crowded place, and he grabbed her hand. She swallowed hard and her breath stopped for a moment. The warmth and purpose of his grip sent her thoughts racing. There was a blatant sincerity she had never witnessed before in his eyes, as he ensured she was alright within the raucous scene. The evening wore on, and she knew that they would both make the leap and cross the line tonight. Even after all this time, somehow and someway this evening felt right for making the plunge and exploring each other in a whole new realm.
When they parted from the group, they could not get home fast enough. They voraciously pulled each others clothes off, with feverish kisses and breath too deep to ignore. Somewhat rabid, wild, brutal and animalistic, they imbibed one another and rocked each other into another galaxy. There was no sign of gentle passion, tenderness, gazes into each other's eyes or a deep understanding of anything. It was the satisfaction of a long standing curiosity and desire, being fed recklessly on this warm evening. They knew that there was no mutual love or real hope for anything between them, it was simply something they both wanted at this moment and perhaps all along. After it was done, they craved it again when they awoke, this time even more barbarous and wanton than the first. It was almost too rough, but they gritted their teeth and tore into each other once more.
Once they had it, there would be a few more times that they would boldly attack one another but the lack of emotion between them allowed it to simply be. Never more or never less. Megan felt mostly content, with a pang of guilt about their exchanges. But in the end, he was just a friend.
Just when you thought there were not enough miracles and stars shining in the sky or magnificent surprises in life, someone comes along and adds some sparkle!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
An Entrepreneur-ette sitting on top of the world
Giselle had built her career, she had soared within the walls of her corporation and earned the respect of her clients and peers. At this point in her life, she needed more. Instead of sitting idle in the comfortable job she held, she took a risk. She started her own company and she called the shots. She went on trips when wanted to, drove the car she liked and worked as much as she wanted to. When things are in order in your personal life, it allows you to explore all kinds of opportunities beyond the typical walls that confine us. Giselle opened her heart to explore the likes of the mysterious man who had a life of baggage on his shoulders but intrigued her none the less. She toyed with cute boys that brought a smile to her face and filled her with a playful energy she needed in her life. She had the world by a string and she was pulling.
Is Giselle too much for the average man to handle because she has captured so much on her own? Can a man appreciate her ambition and her confidence while extracting her sensitivities, her inner child and the sexy woman behind the accomplishments? We'd all like to think its possible. Perhaps there is something to letting your guard down every so often, allowing yourself to be quiet or soft for a moment or two every so often and letting people see a new you?
Is Giselle too much for the average man to handle because she has captured so much on her own? Can a man appreciate her ambition and her confidence while extracting her sensitivities, her inner child and the sexy woman behind the accomplishments? We'd all like to think its possible. Perhaps there is something to letting your guard down every so often, allowing yourself to be quiet or soft for a moment or two every so often and letting people see a new you?
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Friend with Benefits that Couldn't Cope?
Jesse decides that in a big city, with a busy job, and not enough amazing princes, she might as well as explore the friends with benefits options. So, Jesse finds this guy and they realize that dating will not work out, but they both have their needs. So they decide to be friends with benefits. But before it even takes off, she is receiving a string of text messages, and even phone calls. Does this FWB understand he is just that, and nothing more? Jesse gets irked but tries to quell his neediness. One night after she was asleep, a text message bleeped its head into her dreams, only to awaken her. She reads it, and falls back to sleep. It was neither critical or riveting, so it did not warrant a reply. This FWB freaked out. He wanted a reply, and was so hurt to get the shield of silence instead. Jesse gasped with frustration as this dude she just wanted to pounce on now and again who was suddenly thinking she had to emotionally relate to him and actually care one ounce about his feelings. What is wrong with this situation? Nevertheless, her needs were real so she decided it may be worth it to try and lay down the law and establish ground rules for a better non-relationship of sorts. So they made rules. And as soon as she could lay them down, Mr. FWB broke them. He just needed more. If ever there was a man I could tell this story to, surely they would not believe this to be true. But, Jesse witnessed it in the thick of this big, bustling city. She found a man who was fun to toy with in bed (they had already enjoyed a 4-5 hour romp of rolling around, kissing, fondling, and rolling around some more) but who could not detach his emotions. Wow. After sharing this with her girlfriends over lunch in the Eating Hall below the Plaza Hotel, she quickly gets a name of a new FWB character that may work out much better than the first. This gent was already proven to be a detachable, fun loving, sexy and reliable friend with benefits and she is thrilled to try for a new one! Jesse decides just like that, the first guy is out, and he could take his emotional clinging with him!
Tingly Toes
There is a tingle in your toes, and a smile that is hard to wipe from your face when you have a solid, proper romp. Everyone knows it. When its done right, it is just plain lovely.
Anyone can pull home a wasted contributer to jump in the sack, slobber about, and rip off clothes and get busy. Its fine, and it surely serves a purpose. It can be exhilarating in a serious way.
But when you get the other kind: the sensitive, slow, touching, brisking, licking, kissing, grazing, caressing, sensitive roll in the sack, you just sigh, "what a difference that can be!"
As you conjure up memories of last week, last month, or the last decade perhaps of when you experienced this kind of "tingly toes" moment, you feel it. You remember it vividly and can sigh almost out loud about how wonderful it made you feel. It is like medicine for the soul to be cared for, and embraced in this manner.
Damn, how great it is to have a case of the tingly toes.
Anyone can pull home a wasted contributer to jump in the sack, slobber about, and rip off clothes and get busy. Its fine, and it surely serves a purpose. It can be exhilarating in a serious way.
But when you get the other kind: the sensitive, slow, touching, brisking, licking, kissing, grazing, caressing, sensitive roll in the sack, you just sigh, "what a difference that can be!"
As you conjure up memories of last week, last month, or the last decade perhaps of when you experienced this kind of "tingly toes" moment, you feel it. You remember it vividly and can sigh almost out loud about how wonderful it made you feel. It is like medicine for the soul to be cared for, and embraced in this manner.
Damn, how great it is to have a case of the tingly toes.
Its a fine line. We all have walked it, some more often than others. We know there is a point where we need to let go of our fears, let down the walls and let someone in, really in. But we're scared as hell.
We've been burned and we have been blindsided but yet we are strong, sassy and bold? Are we trying too hard to keep up our fun, carefree attitude rather than just be completely open and honest about just what we are feeling?
Its such a toss up. It should be so simple. If you start to really like someone, and you want to move to that special place with them, you should tell them. But many of us have witnessed the freak out moments when the feelings start to ooze out. The man runs for cover, and runs fast. Why? When they are in la-la land, happy as a clam, smiling at you, telling you how beautiful you are, kissing all over, and staring into your eyes like a mesmerized wonder how with a few inklings of real emotions, they recoil in terror? I am hoping any one of my male readers will respond, post some wisdom and make us all say "a ha!" The reality is that there may not be some sage response to any of this. It may be as simple as timing or that you are the "right at this moment girl" and not the "long term girl". Sadly enough, he may not be that into you after all and so, life goes on as it always does. But as we think more about vulnerability, we see successful relationships launch into space with sparks, butterflies and joy. It can happen and it does indeed require 2 people to open up, let down the guards and be vulnerable. Naked, scared, vulnerable...its where we have to be to take a relationship of any kind to the next level.
We've been burned and we have been blindsided but yet we are strong, sassy and bold? Are we trying too hard to keep up our fun, carefree attitude rather than just be completely open and honest about just what we are feeling?
Its such a toss up. It should be so simple. If you start to really like someone, and you want to move to that special place with them, you should tell them. But many of us have witnessed the freak out moments when the feelings start to ooze out. The man runs for cover, and runs fast. Why? When they are in la-la land, happy as a clam, smiling at you, telling you how beautiful you are, kissing all over, and staring into your eyes like a mesmerized wonder how with a few inklings of real emotions, they recoil in terror? I am hoping any one of my male readers will respond, post some wisdom and make us all say "a ha!" The reality is that there may not be some sage response to any of this. It may be as simple as timing or that you are the "right at this moment girl" and not the "long term girl". Sadly enough, he may not be that into you after all and so, life goes on as it always does. But as we think more about vulnerability, we see successful relationships launch into space with sparks, butterflies and joy. It can happen and it does indeed require 2 people to open up, let down the guards and be vulnerable. Naked, scared, vulnerable...its where we have to be to take a relationship of any kind to the next level.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"Oh my God!!"
You know you are doing something right when the man you are with is shrieking "oh my god!"
Enough said.
Enough said.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Why is it so hard to wear someone's else's shoes?
I have been there before myself. We all have. When we are immersed in our own world, and state of mind, we are truly challenged to remember or recall the way it was on other side of the fence. I believe its human nature, no fault of anyone and certainly not purposeful. When we are single, we may forget what it is like to be married or committed and the entrenched status quo. Just as likely and maybe even more so, is it difficult for the married/relationship person to understand the woes and challenges of being single. I try hard to imagine how many times I may have seemed out of touch or insensitive without even realizing it.....telling my single friends to keep their chins up as their prince charming was surely around the corner as I make dinner with my boyfriend. Neither is easy, and neither is all joy and no pain. But as we settle into one lifestyle, our head becomes shrouded from the other view we don't witness every day. We have to actually physically force ourselves to try hard to imagine how others feel and what they may be going through if we want to be a sensitive, perceptive and understanding human being. Some are better than others at this. It requires a conscientious person to listen, imagine being in the other persons shoes and respond versus the logical, this is my wise suggestion from my place of reference type of response.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Have we become too advanced and fickle for regular love?
As we get older, paired with the innovation in technology and all the social interactions, are we making the natural progression of attraction, love, and commitment nearly impossible?
We have dating websites, networking websites, text messages and yet.....we struggle perhaps more so than ever? When we were in college, and started dating someone, it would easily progress to "boyfriend" status. We'd buy our boyfriend a lame birthday gift, perhaps they'd meet our parents and we'd intermingle with each other's friends. It was clear cut until the day someone fell out of "love", cheated, moved or your bickering got to be too much. Now it seems that its easy enough to meet a lot of qualified applicants, but very hard for things to get to that relationship status. Why? Is it because we have too many options? Are we like a modern kid in a candy store where everything is free and beaming with light and sugary goodness? Maybe just maybe, all these options and all of these facilitation mechanisms force some universal confusion upon us. Perhaps we know we can juggle 5 guys, and maybe meet the man of our dreams in a week and yet still keep that cute fling on the hook with a text message or two so we fail to really evaluate a person and move forward with them with an open heart?
What is worse?
No one can measure whether its harder to be single for a decade or newly single after a series of relationships? I am sure that either could be shown to have its up and downs. But one has to wonder if there was some device capable of measuring, what would be more painful?
Being alone in your bed night after night, with thoughts of romance that never quite evolve to a relationship surely can wear on a person no matter how many great things are going on in their life. But going from a person in your bed every night, cooking together, waking up and starting your day with them, sharing holidays, and having your permanent date to being on your own is also a big adjustment. When you have lived one reality its often challenging to imagine the other.
There are many days, nights and in between where I absolutely love my life, and the experiences I would never have if I was married with a couple of kids, a college savings account and orthodontia bills to pay. Yet of course there are those times when I re-sample the couple life and there is something really lovely about it. To have your back stroked, your forehead kissed, someone to enjoy a view with or have a tasty meal with.......those things are just nice. Whether your life is just how you picture it, somewhere in between or far off the mark, there is always something phenomenal that you need to celebrate and enjoy. If you spend too much time searching, you will never just pause, breathe deeply and look around at how beautiful things may truly be right where you are at that moment.
Being alone in your bed night after night, with thoughts of romance that never quite evolve to a relationship surely can wear on a person no matter how many great things are going on in their life. But going from a person in your bed every night, cooking together, waking up and starting your day with them, sharing holidays, and having your permanent date to being on your own is also a big adjustment. When you have lived one reality its often challenging to imagine the other.
There are many days, nights and in between where I absolutely love my life, and the experiences I would never have if I was married with a couple of kids, a college savings account and orthodontia bills to pay. Yet of course there are those times when I re-sample the couple life and there is something really lovely about it. To have your back stroked, your forehead kissed, someone to enjoy a view with or have a tasty meal with.......those things are just nice. Whether your life is just how you picture it, somewhere in between or far off the mark, there is always something phenomenal that you need to celebrate and enjoy. If you spend too much time searching, you will never just pause, breathe deeply and look around at how beautiful things may truly be right where you are at that moment.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Location is Everything my dear
Sometimes you just have to apply the same level of strategy that you conjure up in the business world to the single life. Hoping that I have not confused you yet, allow me to elaborate and put a very different kind of thinking cap on, dear.
Its not hard to are single, and while life is fancy free you actually do want to meet an eligible bachelor at some point that completely knocks the wind out of you with his presence and charm.
Single girls commonly plan trips involving shopping, spas and sunbathing. Well ladies, um......this is not where the single men are congregating. Lets be honest, if you want to meet great guys you will need to carve out some of your precious free time and get strategic.
Suggestions for those ladies lacking the strategic element:
1. Mountain towns: I maintain this as numero uno on my list because the ratio is consistently in your favor no matter what town you choose anywhere on the globe. The men are down to earth, a little wild and rough and its so damn easy to start conversation, toast a beer and have some real fun outdoors. If you are not so outdoorsy it can still be a good spot to post up at the apres ski spot with a book enjoying the warm rays of sunshine or cozy up with that magazine in the lodge by the fireplace. Likewise, hiking or walking about town looking cute is also pretty darn conducive even if you cannot tear up the slopes or rock hop on your mountain bike. Mountain towns = more boys. Trust me, you will be successful.
2. Sports/Divey Bars: While I am just as guilty as any girl by wanting to go to the chic spot and sit enjoying caprese salad and ahi tartar with my girlfriends while sipping a ginger-tini, there will be more men at the sportsy/divey bar watching a game or just kicking back enjoying a belgian ale. Again, these men are approachable and appreciative of pretty little you being in their dark man cave brightening things up.
3. Burger Joints: You may be starting to catch on by now....yes, you simply think of the place you really want to go and then go to the opposite kind of place. While anyone may appreciate a good burger, whether its good ole beef, snazzed up turkey burger or a veggie patty with veganaise, most of the time a woman will choose the asian fusion spot, or the healthy indian spot or the hip patio with california cuisine. Sure, men go to all those places but you will never strike out if you roll into the burger joint garnished with a smile and ready to meet boys.
I cannot give away all of my secrets ladies or I will be fightin off girls while I try to nudge my way to the old bar in my favorite mountain town next to the unassuming hottie!
Its not hard to are single, and while life is fancy free you actually do want to meet an eligible bachelor at some point that completely knocks the wind out of you with his presence and charm.
Single girls commonly plan trips involving shopping, spas and sunbathing. Well ladies, um......this is not where the single men are congregating. Lets be honest, if you want to meet great guys you will need to carve out some of your precious free time and get strategic.
Suggestions for those ladies lacking the strategic element:
1. Mountain towns: I maintain this as numero uno on my list because the ratio is consistently in your favor no matter what town you choose anywhere on the globe. The men are down to earth, a little wild and rough and its so damn easy to start conversation, toast a beer and have some real fun outdoors. If you are not so outdoorsy it can still be a good spot to post up at the apres ski spot with a book enjoying the warm rays of sunshine or cozy up with that magazine in the lodge by the fireplace. Likewise, hiking or walking about town looking cute is also pretty darn conducive even if you cannot tear up the slopes or rock hop on your mountain bike. Mountain towns = more boys. Trust me, you will be successful.
2. Sports/Divey Bars: While I am just as guilty as any girl by wanting to go to the chic spot and sit enjoying caprese salad and ahi tartar with my girlfriends while sipping a ginger-tini, there will be more men at the sportsy/divey bar watching a game or just kicking back enjoying a belgian ale. Again, these men are approachable and appreciative of pretty little you being in their dark man cave brightening things up.
3. Burger Joints: You may be starting to catch on by now....yes, you simply think of the place you really want to go and then go to the opposite kind of place. While anyone may appreciate a good burger, whether its good ole beef, snazzed up turkey burger or a veggie patty with veganaise, most of the time a woman will choose the asian fusion spot, or the healthy indian spot or the hip patio with california cuisine. Sure, men go to all those places but you will never strike out if you roll into the burger joint garnished with a smile and ready to meet boys.
I cannot give away all of my secrets ladies or I will be fightin off girls while I try to nudge my way to the old bar in my favorite mountain town next to the unassuming hottie!
Mr Big Stuff
It had been a long time coming that Alesha had a thing for Billy. Life had taken them down different paths, but every time she encountered him over the years, it sparked something within her. He was the guy that had her heart, and maybe didn't even know it?
With Billy newly single, Alesha had a chance to spend some much desired time with him. Having a good time together was a given. Her mouth ached from smiling so much that night. Later that night, after having enough drinks to hamper his driving abilities, they retired back to her place. She thought he was an amazing guy, but had never had a chance at real romance with him until this point. Excitement filled the room that evening. She sat starry eyed in the bedroom and GASP, she almost fell over onto the ground when she witnessed Mr Big Stuff. Never in her life had she seen something so large. She wondered if this whole thing was going to work? Alesha questioned herself about the plausibility of this thing actually fitting as she stared in disbelief. (her mouth may have actually been open at this point with awe) Well, somehow it did. It fit. It worked. It worked well.
For now, Alesha and Billy are keeping things cool. Each of them are doing their thing in life, but Alesha is hoping once he settles into his new state of being that he will realize the magic that they have and come running to snatch her up. She still is as mystified by the big stuff as she was the first time she saw it, and probably always will be. See you this winter Mr. Big Stuff....
With Billy newly single, Alesha had a chance to spend some much desired time with him. Having a good time together was a given. Her mouth ached from smiling so much that night. Later that night, after having enough drinks to hamper his driving abilities, they retired back to her place. She thought he was an amazing guy, but had never had a chance at real romance with him until this point. Excitement filled the room that evening. She sat starry eyed in the bedroom and GASP, she almost fell over onto the ground when she witnessed Mr Big Stuff. Never in her life had she seen something so large. She wondered if this whole thing was going to work? Alesha questioned herself about the plausibility of this thing actually fitting as she stared in disbelief. (her mouth may have actually been open at this point with awe) Well, somehow it did. It fit. It worked. It worked well.
For now, Alesha and Billy are keeping things cool. Each of them are doing their thing in life, but Alesha is hoping once he settles into his new state of being that he will realize the magic that they have and come running to snatch her up. She still is as mystified by the big stuff as she was the first time she saw it, and probably always will be. See you this winter Mr. Big Stuff....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
the allure of the ballerina
Everyone loves a ballerina. They are blessed with the dichotomy of innocence and allure, all while being graceful and lean. There is always a magic about Paris. The combination of ballerinas and Paris virtually created a combustion within the walls of VIP Room. Crystal and Tabby were dolled up in their heels, dresses and glasses of champagne as they looked up to the center stage in one of the most gorgeous clubs in the city. They saw not a typical go go dancer gyrating to the beats, but alas, a blush tutu clad duo of dancers. Amazingly, both the women and men inside the walls of this club were mesmerized by the sight. Tabby pushed her way to the zone below the stage so she could get a closer look at this beautiful sight. Why is it that Paris has the chicest go go dancers in the world? And why has no one on this planet thought of a ballerina burlesque club? Perhaps a nutcracker suite for male purveyors would be a ravishing success: complete with dancers en pointe, ribbons dangling from the ceiling, topless tutu dancers and everything pink? Perhaps ballerinas have us spinning but we think we're onto something!
Sex starts in the Shoes
One thing a man must know is that sexiness starts when a woman dresses. Depending on the evening prognosis and who she may be seeing, every piece of clothing and most importantly the shoes will reflect how she is feeling. If you want to understand a woman's state of the union, really look at what she has pieced together. Does her black bra strap peek out from under her tank top. Hint: she is feeling sexy and wanted it perhaps to peek out. Does she have an armful of bangles which makes a soft, clang when they touch and slide up her arm? Does she have long, dangly earrings that swirl and dangle within her hair? And most importantly, is she wearing sky high heels? Are they platform? Are they snakeskin? Do they reveal well manicured toes? Are they sexy tall boots that instantly have you imagining all kinds of things? Before you check out her butt as she walks away, shake yourself up and take a closer look. Look at the cues, get a sense for who she is and maybe, just maybe.....
tailor your approach, your voice, your choice of words, your entire vibe to the woman she is that night.
tailor your approach, your voice, your choice of words, your entire vibe to the woman she is that night.
Oh Hair Yeah
What is SEXY? A big head of hair is sexy for sure. Here are some visuals and you can judge for yourselves. But Talisa knows that she gets weak in the knees when she sees a man with sexy tresses. Ah, the allure of hair......
The key to sexy hair is first and foremost nutrition. If you eat right, your hair should grow, and supplementing with vitamins is also helpful. You just have to do what is necessary to achieve the luxurious mane we all dream about. See House of Glam Beauty's Hair Vitamin Secrets
In the heat of the moment, when the lights are dimmed, and you grab a full head of hair, its absolutely sensuous. No matter what color or what age you are, you can channel your inner hair goddess. Talisa likes to suds up with Kerastase line of products which create a tremendous shine. Having your hair twirled and fondled is magnificent. It is somewhat like the peacock with their lovely feathers.....flash your goods.
The key to sexy hair is first and foremost nutrition. If you eat right, your hair should grow, and supplementing with vitamins is also helpful. You just have to do what is necessary to achieve the luxurious mane we all dream about. See House of Glam Beauty's Hair Vitamin Secrets
In the heat of the moment, when the lights are dimmed, and you grab a full head of hair, its absolutely sensuous. No matter what color or what age you are, you can channel your inner hair goddess. Talisa likes to suds up with Kerastase line of products which create a tremendous shine. Having your hair twirled and fondled is magnificent. It is somewhat like the peacock with their lovely feathers.....flash your goods.
Monday, October 25, 2010
What happens when you combine a grown man with a few cans of beer = the growler! Yes, this can really happen. When you hear it, you will know. It is a combination of talking mixed with growling or a heavy breath and a roll of the r perhaps? Nevertheless, it is indeed a strange phenomenon. Why does this occur spontaneously? I suppose that question lines up with why is the sky blue and why did Tiger Woods think he could screw a bunch of trashy chicks and never be found out or why do twinkies never spoil?
dating a daddy
While the concept of dating a man with children is daunting, even suicide to some.....what the hell is a decent man with kids who is alone supposed to do? Is he supposed to find a woman with kids and do the brady bunch merger? What if he feels young, loves his kids and wants to find a beautiful, smart, cool lady? What then? Brianna never gave the daddies a chance. She figured life and dating was complicated enough. She had a hard enough time getting a relationship to be successful these days and that was simply just worrying about one person! She certainly did not think she could also navigate the treacherous hurdles of "their mother", child support complaints, development of "mom#2", the question of whether the kids would accept her, and the potential for a world of unforeseen challenges.
Yet, nothing is perfect in life. With every situation comes its serving of hurdles and struggles. Stepping into a web of complexities may be worth it to gain a lifetime of love and new bright lights shining in your life. Having an open mind is key and maintaining hope about good things in the world is vital. Maybe, just maybe there was a greater level of patience, understanding and integrity embedded within the daddy? Maybe it deserves a more in depth investigation?

the plight of the alpha female
Is it our downfall to be an alpha female after all?
As a little girl, we all had big dreams but as we reflect looking at our lives over the years....should we have simply been good at cooking, cleaning and finding a rich man?
The alpha female possesses traits that get her ahead in life: dominance, confidence, and a take-charge attitude. The alpha female is ambitious, strong and achieves her goals. All of this sounds good, or even fantastic on paper. But the bottom line is that these alphas are charismatic and charming women that get what they want in life. But in the end, does all of this become intimidating for men? Is it too much to have someone you date who is just as plugged in, successful and worldly?
I have wondered, my friends have wondered and some men will actually admit that this is somewhat true. This leaves us with what? There is a small percentage of men who are successful, confident, comfortable enough and eager to take on the alpha and then there is the rest. Sighhhhh. One can only hope that there will be an increased appreciation for the alpha and all that she brings to the table. After all, we can bring the same level of ambition to all tasks.....
As a little girl, we all had big dreams but as we reflect looking at our lives over the years....should we have simply been good at cooking, cleaning and finding a rich man?
The alpha female possesses traits that get her ahead in life: dominance, confidence, and a take-charge attitude. The alpha female is ambitious, strong and achieves her goals. All of this sounds good, or even fantastic on paper. But the bottom line is that these alphas are charismatic and charming women that get what they want in life. But in the end, does all of this become intimidating for men? Is it too much to have someone you date who is just as plugged in, successful and worldly?
I have wondered, my friends have wondered and some men will actually admit that this is somewhat true. This leaves us with what? There is a small percentage of men who are successful, confident, comfortable enough and eager to take on the alpha and then there is the rest. Sighhhhh. One can only hope that there will be an increased appreciation for the alpha and all that she brings to the table. After all, we can bring the same level of ambition to all tasks.....
Friday, October 22, 2010
The moment when something changes
And when it happens: its magical. There is a warm, uncertain feeling in your stomach peppered by bursts of excitement that you carefully push back as your eyes open wider and realize the person before you is someone you could love. It doesn't happen every day and sometimes it can be years and years until you experience this momentous awareness. Its the "I want to scream from the rooftops" kind of feeling yet what is paired with this giddy enthusiasm is fear. It is the most absurd anomaly because with opening your heart comes fear of it being crushed. We all know, we only gain from taking the risks and thus we persist and take chances with our hearts. Don't you wish there were guarantees?
The good old boys club

At a time when equality should not be something we have to even discuss, we are faced with the same old crap just a more modern version of it. It is interesting how we face it dead on in our worlds and almost forget to note how very imbalanced the situation is. So why is it that the boys get to flirt, stray, discuss their miserable marriages or lame girlfriends, go to strip clubs, pat girls booties and grab girls by their waists when it would be totally looked down upon if females were to do the same things?
Davilla was a power female, who did it all. She had the family, the business, the success, the energy to give back and could hold her own in any discussion with a top executive. Yet even she, being a serious business woman got her ass smacked, got told she shouldn't wear those naughty high heels with her skinny jeans, and got an eye brown raise when she was out partying with the boys. Are we in the stone age? The days when Fred Flintstone would head to the water buffalo meetings to get away from Wilma, while she sat home gossiping with Betty are long gone. But we still have some of these same frustrations and the same, revived crap that really never died.
The reality is that Davilla and others like her should get some! They should flirt, go out with the boys, and do whatever the hell they want just like the boys do. Why not?
Sexy Carmella in the Shirt
When it comes to Carmella, don't ask and don't tell.
a light touch and a saucy smile has admirers under her spell.
One night she dressed in a colorful flirty top, revealing her tan and lovely legs. She sipped her bubbly, smiled at the boys, and chatted famously with everyone at the table. Later, at the big party, Carmella danced and grooved to the sounds of the DJ. She was immersed in the moment, her dark tresses swaying when suddenly a man could not handle himself. Her short little top or perhaps dress....was yanked up by an overly curious man. She was so overcome with the music, the ambience and the moment that she did not even realize it. Her sexy Carmella bum exposed to all! Luckily she had Amelia near by who yanked that little top back down promptly. We all need an Angel Amelia by our side when anxious little men get overly excitable.
Poof, Carmella, unfazed was off to the next adventure. Here she comes little prepster. Later we find out he, too was engulfed and intrigued by Carmella and her colorful little dress.
a light touch and a saucy smile has admirers under her spell.
One night she dressed in a colorful flirty top, revealing her tan and lovely legs. She sipped her bubbly, smiled at the boys, and chatted famously with everyone at the table. Later, at the big party, Carmella danced and grooved to the sounds of the DJ. She was immersed in the moment, her dark tresses swaying when suddenly a man could not handle himself. Her short little top or perhaps dress....was yanked up by an overly curious man. She was so overcome with the music, the ambience and the moment that she did not even realize it. Her sexy Carmella bum exposed to all! Luckily she had Amelia near by who yanked that little top back down promptly. We all need an Angel Amelia by our side when anxious little men get overly excitable.
Poof, Carmella, unfazed was off to the next adventure. Here she comes little prepster. Later we find out he, too was engulfed and intrigued by Carmella and her colorful little dress.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Velcro Man

To all the lonely men
As of late, Talia has encountered more and more lonely men. They are sweet, nice, smart, dedicated to their families, hard working but the alarming thing is that they are married. They are not cheaters nor is this a blog posting supporting the act of cheating with married individuals. In fact, the karma with that is not something we wish upon any rockin chicks near or far. But the saddening fact is that there are many marriages that continue to exist however leaving both parties (likely) feeling lonely. In speaking on behalf of all people, we want to understand how to avoid this scenario? We know plenty of wonderful, happy and successful unions where you look longingly at the adorable couple who appreciates and respects one another. There are all kinds of long term relationships. But as we ponder ourselves in 10, 20, 30 years from now, you must try to imagine the future and never, never, never stop pouring your heart, energy, soul and dedication to making something you are in exciting, wonderful and keeping each other from getting lonely.
BJ torture game
Yes, gasp if you must......but there is a game Lucy discovered that is sure to please. The BJ torture game is not intended to truly torture in the brutal sense but think of it more like an elongation of a wonderful feeling? Lucy was playing with her beast of a man and realized that guys stop and start all the time simply to prolong things, and also (rightfully so) to avoid being selfish and going too soon. Alas, we appreciate and praise the thoughtful man who thinks not of his own pleasure but the pleasure of both parties. So, when its time for the woman to be in charge of the pace, why hurry through it? Yes if you are not excited by the receiving party, we can relate to getting the job done quickly. But why not jump in that driver seat and go go go and then lull lull lull, taunt, tease, stop, start, and just enjoy the control and the fun. Call it what you must, but we coined it BJ TORTURE GAME. Lucy already has him signing up for more!
the Turn over of a flock

its a small world after all
A stray dog is a stray dog and a random guy you bring home from a bar one night is strikingly a similar situation.
Janae filled her life with experiences and acted spontaneously to capture each moment and each opportunity. She was here, she was there and lately had met a handful of random strangers.
Two evenings in the same month, she found herself a decent cutie, ending in some solid 2 am make-out sessions. The funny thing is not the random 1:00 am acquisition, and then the solidification of that acquisition by continuing the party once the bar had closed its doors. The humorous aspect is that each of these totally unique and random males were associated with another female in our friendship extended circle of rockin chicks. So, does Janae have the same taste as this other female simply or is this the reality when you have lived in a place too long and the open options are becoming scarce?
Next time you take home a stray dog or go home with a stray, remember the world indeed can be quite small. Look before you leap or leap and share the goods....
Janae filled her life with experiences and acted spontaneously to capture each moment and each opportunity. She was here, she was there and lately had met a handful of random strangers.
Two evenings in the same month, she found herself a decent cutie, ending in some solid 2 am make-out sessions. The funny thing is not the random 1:00 am acquisition, and then the solidification of that acquisition by continuing the party once the bar had closed its doors. The humorous aspect is that each of these totally unique and random males were associated with another female in our friendship extended circle of rockin chicks. So, does Janae have the same taste as this other female simply or is this the reality when you have lived in a place too long and the open options are becoming scarce?
Next time you take home a stray dog or go home with a stray, remember the world indeed can be quite small. Look before you leap or leap and share the goods....
Red & The Jersey Shore
Whether it was the clingy Irishmen who wanted a visa and a piece of Red, or perhaps it was the random-left- behind-cutie in the kitchen that later became a make-out partner, there was always an adventure for the girls in the Jersey Shore. Before you immediately think Red was surrounded by snookie and company, these girls were in a much classier spot on the shore. Its where the city folk from Philly head when they want to live the beach life. Although its strange for Cali girls to venture all the way to the Jersey Shore, its much more about the vibe, the gentlemen and the attitude. It just works. Meanwhile Ms B was running around in her shortest shorts and sending smiles in all directions to random strangers, Red found a cutie that was worth the pursuit. Finally they got privacy to have their moment which was filled with champagne, making out and good old summer beach memories. 3 lips later, Ms Red found 1 gem, 1 stalker and 1 stay in touch with perhaps save for later kinda boy.
Alas, timing is everything in life and although the gent was a gem, he may be ready for ripeness next he needs to get his things in order to be a contender for Red.
Summer comes and summer goes, with a jaunt to the Shore, there is sure to be fun, make outs and flirts!
Alas, timing is everything in life and although the gent was a gem, he may be ready for ripeness next he needs to get his things in order to be a contender for Red.
Summer comes and summer goes, with a jaunt to the Shore, there is sure to be fun, make outs and flirts!
Friday, September 17, 2010
The obsessed
Sometimes you head out for a girls night out with hopes of lively banter, views of cute boys, maybe some fun flirtation and an opportunity to bond with your fabulous girls. You are in the middle of doing just that, everyone has a stool at the bar, eyes are casing the joint, laughing at the ratio of men to women in this dive bar and a total menace approaches. This particular menace is unruly, wasted, persistent, ravaged with bad breath, and stammering about, wavering against the bar and invading our space. All it takes is a few more minutes and there you have it, the girls get pissed. They ask him to leave, and he won't. He just keeps on and on. Why do the obsessed weirdos exist and persist? Later that evening the girls evacuate, running down the street to ensure the creep is not on their trail. They land at another spot, and chat with some sweet young lads. Before departing, one of the young lads got so persistent about getting Ginny's number, she said "darling this is not realistic, I am a decade older and I simply know how these things end!" She felt like Samantha in SITC, breaking this cute little lad's heart that night as she fled the bar without handing over her digits. Sometimes when you could care less, the men just want you more.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Cup of Tea & An Orgasm
How does one go with the other you ask? Exactly! Thus, Mina's confusion when she decided to go back to Shawn's place after their first kiss. Her goal was to hang out for a bit more, kiss more, and head home in an hour so. No harm, no foul. She was definitely not staying the night, and she was not giving anything up. He was nice, their kiss was nice and it beckoned a bit more time together. She settled in on his couch and Shawn being a gracious host, offered up a drink, "beer, water, perhaps a cup of tea?" He was a UK gent, so of course a cup of tea was in the mix. She smiled and was refreshed by this international mingling. Mina said some water would be nice, and they snuggled on the couch kissing and exchanging stories. It was nice. He was sweet, and the moment was one of those innocent and yet blissful times in life where you just want the exact thing to just remain and not go any further.

Suddenly, Shawn looked into her eyes and said, "Would you like an orgasm before you go?" Just like he was asking if Mina would like a cup of tea. He used the same tone, the same voice, and the same polite, yet nonchalant attitude. She could barely muster a response past her gasp! "Um, no....thats ok!"

While the gesture was perhaps thoughtful, unselfish, sensual...the verbalization was simply far too blatant. She would rather not be asked if she wanted one of those, and would simply like for that to happen at the right time, in the moment, heated up, with desire flying off the richter scale and passion exploding, not sitting on a couch being offered up a cup of tea and an orgasm before she departed.
Lost in Translation....perhaps?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Raw Desire
Sometimes despite age, distance, reality, and other pertinent factors, there is a truly raw desire which exists between 2 human beings that just beckons to be realized. Whether it was in the air, the music that pounded within the walls of this steamy gay nightclub, the moon outside or the drinks consumed that evening, Shea and this gorgeous gentleman found each others' eyes quite a few times. Across the crowded dance floor, they managed to pass quite a few messages of seduction just with their eyes. Gaining courage, this gorgeous man walked by, with his eyes focused on Shea. She stopped him and conversation ensued. They danced a bit, they stared into each other's eyes and felt the desire. They stepped outside so he could smoke, and they could gain some privacy to talk, and soon enough, they simply realized the desire and their lips met. Inside, her friends were dancing while the music pumped and the reality of these two was far from feasible, however both threw caution out the door and enjoyed the moment under the moon. The lights from the street cast a warm glow on his face, and he smiled as he gazed at her. She smiled back, and he told her she was sexy in his lovely accent. She enjoyed his sweetness, his beauty and continued kissing him. The night ended on the dance floor, with more kisses. Longing for more, but leaving it as so. Unrealized passion but a raw desire that cannot be argued. A cameo in life that provided a simple, glorious experience of sexiness.
Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she does just turns me on!
When a person radiates happiness and energy, they become a magnet for others. Unplanned and completely naturally, Miss Gia found herself in a spectacular place somewhat suddenly. She was happy, eager to capture as many experiences as possible and excited about the new direction her life was going. In this new enlightened state of mind, Gia was smiling all the time, running here and there, and diving into life with a new fervor. Suddenly, she found herself meeting all kinds of new people, and drawing heaps of male attention. She was loving this and enjoying every last minute of the fun doses of attention from all these lovely creatures. Its funny how that works? When you have a mission and you want so badly to find a partner, you find absolutely nothing. In fact, perhaps you find bad eggs! But when you are immersed in joy and excitement and you are completely happy with yourself, you draw in all kinds of great attention. Its a beautiful thing. So, even though we all know time ticks on, and being single has its up and downs.....embrace what you have. Live each day to the fullest. Flirt with that cute boy you see, smile at the stranger, sit down at a bar next to a guy you don't know and say hi, run down the street smiling ear to ear and just see what happens....I guarantee you will broaden your horizons!
When a person radiates happiness and energy, they become a magnet for others. Unplanned and completely naturally, Miss Gia found herself in a spectacular place somewhat suddenly. She was happy, eager to capture as many experiences as possible and excited about the new direction her life was going. In this new enlightened state of mind, Gia was smiling all the time, running here and there, and diving into life with a new fervor. Suddenly, she found herself meeting all kinds of new people, and drawing heaps of male attention. She was loving this and enjoying every last minute of the fun doses of attention from all these lovely creatures. Its funny how that works? When you have a mission and you want so badly to find a partner, you find absolutely nothing. In fact, perhaps you find bad eggs! But when you are immersed in joy and excitement and you are completely happy with yourself, you draw in all kinds of great attention. Its a beautiful thing. So, even though we all know time ticks on, and being single has its up and downs.....embrace what you have. Live each day to the fullest. Flirt with that cute boy you see, smile at the stranger, sit down at a bar next to a guy you don't know and say hi, run down the street smiling ear to ear and just see what happens....I guarantee you will broaden your horizons!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Just like a circus star, there are times when you must balance all the boys,
east coast, west coast, up town, down town, its just as fun as having toys,
No harm is meant, its a learning game.
Trying to figure out if you like them all the same?
One is funny, one is hot, one is witty and one is tall.
Understanding yourself is perhaps the greatest challenge of all!
In this game of dating, one must purvey the options and feel the spark,
It may be tough to ascertain, is this one for real or is it a lark?
In the end, its key to be yourself and pair up with the man that suits you best.
At some point, there will be a front runner and you can ditch the rest.
In the meantime, enjoy the ride and take in as much as you can,
There is a true art of love, flirtation and enjoyment of the beautiful man!
east coast, west coast, up town, down town, its just as fun as having toys,
No harm is meant, its a learning game.
Trying to figure out if you like them all the same?
One is funny, one is hot, one is witty and one is tall.
Understanding yourself is perhaps the greatest challenge of all!
In this game of dating, one must purvey the options and feel the spark,
It may be tough to ascertain, is this one for real or is it a lark?
In the end, its key to be yourself and pair up with the man that suits you best.
At some point, there will be a front runner and you can ditch the rest.
In the meantime, enjoy the ride and take in as much as you can,
There is a true art of love, flirtation and enjoyment of the beautiful man!
Sense of Humor

Dear Tales and Antics Readers-
A sense of humor is an amazing thing and perhaps on the last post dealing with a dating site, a bit of humor on an email from a less than likely male suitor and the silly commentary that went along with it......there were some readers who took things a bit too seriously. This blog is silly, funny, entertaining and full of real, live, raw feelings, stories and situations that the rockin chicks encounter. There were many times during the episodes of Sex in the City where Samantha said things "off the cuff" which may not have always been P.C. Surely there are things that may be offensive to some, horrifying to others and downright soothing to a group of readers. The blog is not meant to be perfect, PC, scripted or fake. Its as real as it gets, and what comes out of the girls' minds goes right on the posting, uncensored, real, honest and candid. Deal with it. If you don't like it, don't read it. The rockin chicks are educated, talented, environmental, caring, fun and interesting females that appreciate fashion, fun, travel and love stories just like the rest of us. If we think its funny that a man 60 years old is trying to get a date with us on a dating site, well it may be just as random the Sheik of Iran wanting one, and just as perplexing as when a 22 year old tries to strike up conversation. There is reality, and then there is reality.
Having a sense of humor means being able to laugh at the silliness, realizing this blog nor the rockin chicks themselves every take things too seriously. How can you when you have ridiculous dating stories to share like the ones posted on this site?! You have to laugh, give up your quest for a perfect world and realize there are going to be ridiculous antics here and there and everywhere.
Love, Live and Laugh! Regain your sense of humor looks far better than a serious look any old day.
Are 2 dates enough to tell?
The first date with anyone is usually filled with a solid case of nerves, whether he is as hot as Pierce Brosnan or a few inches shorter than expected. The reality is that you are worried about how you look, worried about what to say and its hard to get a good read on chemistry. Many times, Sheila has been on first dates where she swore it would never work out between them and managed to give the gent another shot and voila, once the nerves were minimized, they both had a great time. No matter whether its a first date, a first kiss or a first roll in the sheets....the first time may be problematic. One must reserve judgement until the second time around on all occasions to really get a real assessment of the man, your chemistry and whether there is hope for a future together.
Sheila is currently dating a handful of men in the hopes of finding a great match for her. She has put in the maximum effort to go on all of these many first dates, dive into the unknown and strategically look for a great partner. Of course they don't all pan out. In fact, many times over, they are not the right fit and that is alright. Sheila is not fazed by the rejections, the 2 dates which never progress past that point or the guys who are not what she had imagined. In fact, she realizes that turning over every stone will eventually yield a gem.
For those of you who are afraid to put yourself out there, give it up. Stop fearing the unknown and realize the statistics and odds of have to get into the game if you are ever going to find a fantastic partner. The more you date, the more you experience and the richer life will be. Not to mention, just think of the funny dating stories you can share over a glass of pinot with your girls!
Friday, August 13, 2010
The beauty of a sculpted body
Who is going to argue with the beauty of a sculpted man? Its almost so gorgeous that you want to strip off your clothes at the sight of something similar to this lovely photograph. If someone works that hard at looking that good, you know they have the dedication to do many other things.
hats off to sculpted abs, arms, chests and butts......
oh, and how good do they feel?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Feather Earrings...the fast track to sexy
Just think of how sexy you would look wearing luscious could tickle your man with them, you could simply look gorgeous. The animal instinct would surely come out. Well, life is too short to dream.....enter to win a pair and take matters into your own hands ladies.
Free Feather Earrings....come get sexy
Check out these one-of-a-kind feather earrings. Glam Beauty has teamed up with DZ Divinationson Etsy for a feather earrings giveaway! She has graciously offered to give one lucky glammie a free pair of handmade, gorgeous earrings! One lucky glammie will walk away with this free pair of fabulous pink feather earrings, seen here and left.
Giveaway Dates: August 12, 2010 ~ August 20, 2010
Here’s what you do:
To enter this Glamorous Giveaway, you need to do one or more of the following and post a comment below about each action you took. (Each comment will count as a separate entry so your chances of winning increase but only #1 below is required)
1. Required: Visit DZ Divinations’ Etsy shop and happily browse away. Leave a comment on my page to let me know which is your favorite item.
2. Optional for additional entry: Share this entry by clicking on the “Share” button in right margin, or by subscribing to House of Glam Beauty by email. Leave a comment on my page to let me know you did it!
3. Optional for additional entry: Blog or repost on Facebook about this giveaway with a link to it and leave a URL I can visit.
4. Optional for additional entry: Follow DZ Divinations on Twitter or visit her Facebook pagefor her product updates! Become a follower or fan, and once again, leave a comment here letting me know you did it!
Giveaway Rules:
Open to residents of USA, age 18+ to enter. Contest ends at midnight PDT on August 20, 2010. Winners will be selected at random. Winner will be announced here on August 21, 2010. Thanks for entering and glam luck to you 
More items that will make you drool:
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
when it rains it pours
One day you are dating and in bliss town thinking of your future with some boy, then he dumps you out of nowhere. Without letting a single blade of sadness grow under your toes, you get your butt back in the game.
Day 1 post dumping, you have a date with a hotty. Your friends question your sanity, but you know that this is just what the doctor ordered. A healthy dose of confidence and some nice sides of distraction. Finally, you immerse yourself even further into the chocolate fondue when you join an online dating site, and alert some friends that you want to be set up with quality men. Then, the flood gates unleash. Men start pouring in like a storm in Georgia, keeping you almost too busy to contain them all.
some would say that when you have the right attitude, you become a magnet for boys. Its all in the attitude and the vibe you radiate, and suddenly you become a beacon of attraction suddenly. Perhaps?
If you want to have a flock of boys, then smile, be fun, carefree, put yourself out there (this is a hard one for most ladies because fear of rejection is much too high), and don't be afraid to be proactive yourself, who cares if they turn you have like 6 more in the rafters! Duh!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Shave your head boys
While hair is nice, and definitely a commodity that is hard to come by as men age, sometimes a nicely shaven head is really attractive. Lets take David Beckham for instance, he has a raw sexiness about him and hair may be nice on him as well but a shaved head really gives him a hot minimalist appeal.
Sometimes it is as simple as a change, and we all know change is good. Perhaps these men we know have grown too attached to their manes? What they don't realize is mixing things up can be an appealing thing, because perhaps the new shaven look will excite a whole new flock of ladies who like the look? Not to mention, hair grows, so even if its not your favorite style, it can grow back and give you a few different looks along the way. Don't be shy, just shave it.
Guys really do lie about their height!
Tabitha and her friends are not sure what it is, but they have encountered a portion of men that lie about their height. Whether its in person and you ask them the question or whether its on an online dating profile. They seem to add a few inches, without fail. Tabitha can verify this accusation from a recent experience. She is collecting data points on dating, and of course enjoying the free drinks and tasty meals along the way. But in all frankness, she does want to find a special someone even if she has to weed through the swamps to get to him.
Here is the scenario, his profile pictures look good. He seems dapper, successful, interesting and tall enough (5 foot 10 inches or so he claims).
Hair just blown dry, bouncy, shiny, cute mini skirt, fabulous 3.5 inch heels and feeling good as I approach the meeting spot for this particular date. A public place, in the middle of a park no less is the spot where I am supposed to meet this dark haired man. I approach and upon seeing him, all I can feel is the glaring instinct to run! He is probably 5 foot 7 or 5 foot 8 at most, because in my heels I am feeling like I am looking down at this pathetic little man. Of course, instead of running I decide to be charitable and stay, only to suffer from self inflicted misery for the next 1.5 hours. Not only is he shorter than what he says, but he is wearing awful elevator shoes with buckles, bells, whistles, well maybe not whistles, but certainly it was a disaster for the eyes. Then, the jeans were a light wash and baggy when baggy is not cool anymore. I am not talking about a nice, loose boyfriend fit rugged jean look, I am talking about MC Hammer with semi-pegged baggy in the thighs ugly wash jeans. Tabitha tried not to look. Then the shirt, it is almost too horrendous to describe. It appeared soiled around the neck area but she could not tell for sure, and he caught her looking a few too many times so she had to refrain. It was a snap up kind of style with 1980's red, blue and black geometric shapes and little speckles. If in any way it sounds retro cool, let us just tell you that it was not at all cool. It reminded Tabitha of the ugly, cheap Sears type of bed sheets one may buy back in 1984 that were made from low grade cotton, in a 80 thread count kind of way. BAD!
So I suppose if he was drop dead gorgeous and stylish and funny, and 5 foot 8 it may not matter, but considering he lied about his height and showed up in a horrendous outfit, well that is just unforgivable.
Here is the scenario, his profile pictures look good. He seems dapper, successful, interesting and tall enough (5 foot 10 inches or so he claims).
Hair just blown dry, bouncy, shiny, cute mini skirt, fabulous 3.5 inch heels and feeling good as I approach the meeting spot for this particular date. A public place, in the middle of a park no less is the spot where I am supposed to meet this dark haired man. I approach and upon seeing him, all I can feel is the glaring instinct to run! He is probably 5 foot 7 or 5 foot 8 at most, because in my heels I am feeling like I am looking down at this pathetic little man. Of course, instead of running I decide to be charitable and stay, only to suffer from self inflicted misery for the next 1.5 hours. Not only is he shorter than what he says, but he is wearing awful elevator shoes with buckles, bells, whistles, well maybe not whistles, but certainly it was a disaster for the eyes. Then, the jeans were a light wash and baggy when baggy is not cool anymore. I am not talking about a nice, loose boyfriend fit rugged jean look, I am talking about MC Hammer with semi-pegged baggy in the thighs ugly wash jeans. Tabitha tried not to look. Then the shirt, it is almost too horrendous to describe. It appeared soiled around the neck area but she could not tell for sure, and he caught her looking a few too many times so she had to refrain. It was a snap up kind of style with 1980's red, blue and black geometric shapes and little speckles. If in any way it sounds retro cool, let us just tell you that it was not at all cool. It reminded Tabitha of the ugly, cheap Sears type of bed sheets one may buy back in 1984 that were made from low grade cotton, in a 80 thread count kind of way. BAD!
So I suppose if he was drop dead gorgeous and stylish and funny, and 5 foot 8 it may not matter, but considering he lied about his height and showed up in a horrendous outfit, well that is just unforgivable.
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