How does one go with the other you ask? Exactly! Thus, Mina's confusion when she decided to go back to Shawn's place after their first kiss. Her goal was to hang out for a bit more, kiss more, and head home in an hour so. No harm, no foul. She was definitely not staying the night, and she was not giving anything up. He was nice, their kiss was nice and it beckoned a bit more time together. She settled in on his couch and Shawn being a gracious host, offered up a drink, "beer, water, perhaps a cup of tea?" He was a UK gent, so of course a cup of tea was in the mix. She smiled and was refreshed by this international mingling. Mina said some water would be nice, and they snuggled on the couch kissing and exchanging stories. It was nice. He was sweet, and the moment was one of those innocent and yet blissful times in life where you just want the exact thing to just remain and not go any further.

Suddenly, Shawn looked into her eyes and said, "Would you like an orgasm before you go?" Just like he was asking if Mina would like a cup of tea. He used the same tone, the same voice, and the same polite, yet nonchalant attitude. She could barely muster a response past her gasp! "Um, no....thats ok!"

While the gesture was perhaps thoughtful, unselfish, sensual...the verbalization was simply far too blatant. She would rather not be asked if she wanted one of those, and would simply like for that to happen at the right time, in the moment, heated up, with desire flying off the richter scale and passion exploding, not sitting on a couch being offered up a cup of tea and an orgasm before she departed.
Lost in Translation....perhaps?
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