Wednesday, August 11, 2010

when it rains it pours

One day you are dating and in bliss town thinking of your future with some boy, then he dumps you out of nowhere. Without letting a single blade of sadness grow under your toes, you get your butt back in the game.

Day 1 post dumping, you have a date with a hotty.  Your friends question your sanity, but you know that this is just what the doctor ordered.  A healthy dose of confidence and some nice sides of distraction.  Finally, you immerse yourself even further into the chocolate fondue when you join an online dating site, and alert some friends that you want to be set up with quality men.  Then, the flood gates unleash.  Men start pouring in like a storm in Georgia, keeping you almost too busy to contain them all.

some would say that when you have the right attitude, you become a magnet for boys.  Its all in the attitude and the vibe you radiate, and suddenly you become a beacon of attraction suddenly.  Perhaps?

If you want to have a flock of boys, then smile, be fun, carefree, put yourself out there (this is a hard one for most ladies because fear of rejection is much too high), and don't be afraid to be proactive yourself, who cares if they turn you have like 6 more in the rafters!  Duh!

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