Svea had a longing for law and order
She wanted to be frisked in the corridor
She like the power and authority of the cop
She liked the sirens and the gun that goes pop
She felt devious, protected and certainly safe
she had her cop and he had his waif
They had secret love just in the start
hiding it from the guy with the grocery cart
soon she ditched Mr. grocery boy
leaving him for her new cop toy
I think they use handcuffs to liven things up
He turns on the sirens and things just erupt!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sissy in Buenos Aires

she was quite a hot little missy!
She had a gorgeous smile the size of the sea,
She looks like Sharon Stone to a tee!
She found herself immersed in a cloud of men,
down in South America, the land of zen.
dark, gorgeous, mysterious men all around,
love, lust, steak and romance were all abound!
She found a lover, she landed on his lap,
they had crazy passion, all over the map!
the language was tough, no one could talk,
but they sure could get that bed to rock!
While down in Argentina, she injured her limb,
She flirted, she flashed and pranced on a whim.
She left that country happy as can be!
Who needs the land of the free?
Green with Envy

We have all heard the term "green with envy" and most of us ladies have experienced it at one time or another. Envy, Jealousy, betrayal are all ugly-fying traits....ladies, these make you look ugly, nasty, old and icky. We certainly don't need these things negating all of the efforts we make to look young, happy and beautiful. So, resist the temptation to be green with envy, and resist the temptation to be cruel to a friend or even a stranger. It will only make you ugly!

Monday, July 21, 2008

In a world of much needed improved safety, are girls supposed to purchase the rubbers?
Is it expected, courteous, obnoxious, slutty, represent good planning or over assumption?
Is it equally as horrendous if the guy brings 3-4 condoms with him on a first date? Or is that a good sign that he believes safety is important and does not ever go without?
As young dating, fabulous females, these are the things that we must face. Be it sad, be it semi-disgusting, be it whatever you want to say about it, its the hard, cold reality. And we must be well equipped and we must be savvy.
First of all, guys do like the ones that have extra sensitivity, whether or not its false advertising. Some of the rockin chicks think a girl should have a secret stash somewhere in the house not easily found by family members, or the guys themselves when they go into rubber search mode. They can actually almost sniff them beware. You don't want to be the chick with a whole box full of rubber goodies. But having 1-2 of them hidden may prove to be the best thing you ever did! Now, run off and be safe.
Corral maintenance

We have discussed corral building, the importance of having your herd around to ensure there is never a lonely night, a dull moment or an excessive dry spell. However, even more important as collecting herd members is maintaining those in the corral. We must weed them out from time to time if they break the rules or get too testy. We must continually feed and water them to keep them alive and happy. We must visit them from time to time to keep them coming back. And finally we must always evaluate the entire corral to ensure we have a nice, quality herd with those in the forefront, those in the wings and potentially even a front runner.

Trixie had a major corral cleansing moment....that required much attention. The herd had gotten into some problems and some were lost. As she reflected about the loss of Lips#2, and Mr. Aged Wine, her supposed front runner....she realized that she could easily pick up the pieces and rebuild her corral. And that is exactly what she did. Even though she mourned the loss of her front runner (this was a tough loss), she knows she will find even better members soon.
She has added a french herdsman, with all of the charms of a foreigner with the accent, the romance and a fresh addition to the Cali dating scene. 
She has a few select young bucks newly added, all hot, built fabulously, no fat layers, all muscle and beautiful little specimens to toy with. Trixie is tired from all of the management of the corral but knows she will gain all of the rewards!
jealous biotches

As fabulous, rockin chicks we do run across the envious, insecure, judgemental kind of females that stare just a little too long, or even give you the once over from head to foot (bad manners!) and we all know what type of girl they are. They are the jealous biotches of the world. They hate us! They have no real reason to hate, but we give them a pit in their stomach kind of angst, we make them second guess, we make them get all pinched up and intimidated and icky. We don't want to sound like egotistical, raging biotches ourselves.....we just want to have fun, we love our friends, we love meeting new people, we are secure with ourselves and love our lives. We are fun maximizers as my good friend, Teeny has so eloquently coined our charms. We maximize opportunities and we maximize fun whereever we go and whenever we can.
Lately we have run across a few jealous biotches who take, take, take or talk, talk, talk, talk. Just know that karma does bite and the nasty things that you do will come back always does. (wicked witch of the west laugh fading in the distance..............)
Avoid boys sitting down
(this does not represent a hot guy on a stool, but he merely is filling in to set the example here)

A very wise friend once told me to always avoid boys, no matter how amazingly good looking they are, or how flirtacious that they become if they are seated. And its so obvious now.....because they can look good, be fun, charming and interesting but when they hop off that stool.....they can be SHORT!! And short is no good. Nope, short just does not work my girlfriends. and they can actually be really short, like you are looking down on them, quasi-midget land status, where you actually feel kinda sorry for them kind of height. And that just sucks royally if you have spent an entire evening talking to them, buttering them up, and wasting quality conversation on them just to find out that they don't fit the height requirement. Maybe we should have that little height requirement sign like the Theme Parks have, so that all the guys have to walk by it on the way to the bathroom and you can easily tell who passes the "we don't want midgets" test. Now, that would be genious??
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