Just like a circus star, there are times when you must balance all the boys,
east coast, west coast, up town, down town, its just as fun as having toys,
No harm is meant, its a learning game.
Trying to figure out if you like them all the same?
One is funny, one is hot, one is witty and one is tall.
Understanding yourself is perhaps the greatest challenge of all!
In this game of dating, one must purvey the options and feel the spark,
It may be tough to ascertain, is this one for real or is it a lark?
In the end, its key to be yourself and pair up with the man that suits you best.
At some point, there will be a front runner and you can ditch the rest.
In the meantime, enjoy the ride and take in as much as you can,
There is a true art of love, flirtation and enjoyment of the beautiful man!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sense of Humor

Dear Tales and Antics Readers-
A sense of humor is an amazing thing and perhaps on the last post dealing with a dating site, a bit of humor on an email from a less than likely male suitor and the silly commentary that went along with it......there were some readers who took things a bit too seriously. This blog is silly, funny, entertaining and full of real, live, raw feelings, stories and situations that the rockin chicks encounter. There were many times during the episodes of Sex in the City where Samantha said things "off the cuff" which may not have always been P.C. Surely there are things that may be offensive to some, horrifying to others and downright soothing to a group of readers. The blog is not meant to be perfect, PC, scripted or fake. Its as real as it gets, and what comes out of the girls' minds goes right on the posting, uncensored, real, honest and candid. Deal with it. If you don't like it, don't read it. The rockin chicks are educated, talented, environmental, caring, fun and interesting females that appreciate fashion, fun, travel and love stories just like the rest of us. If we think its funny that a man 60 years old is trying to get a date with us on a dating site, well it may be just as random the Sheik of Iran wanting one, and just as perplexing as when a 22 year old tries to strike up conversation. There is reality, and then there is reality.
Having a sense of humor means being able to laugh at the silliness, realizing this blog nor the rockin chicks themselves every take things too seriously. How can you when you have ridiculous dating stories to share like the ones posted on this site?! You have to laugh, give up your quest for a perfect world and realize there are going to be ridiculous antics here and there and everywhere.
Love, Live and Laugh! Regain your sense of humor ladies....it looks far better than a serious look any old day.
Are 2 dates enough to tell?
The first date with anyone is usually filled with a solid case of nerves, whether he is as hot as Pierce Brosnan or a few inches shorter than expected. The reality is that you are worried about how you look, worried about what to say and its hard to get a good read on chemistry. Many times, Sheila has been on first dates where she swore it would never work out between them and managed to give the gent another shot and voila, once the nerves were minimized, they both had a great time. No matter whether its a first date, a first kiss or a first roll in the sheets....the first time may be problematic. One must reserve judgement until the second time around on all occasions to really get a real assessment of the man, your chemistry and whether there is hope for a future together.
Sheila is currently dating a handful of men in the hopes of finding a great match for her. She has put in the maximum effort to go on all of these many first dates, dive into the unknown and strategically look for a great partner. Of course they don't all pan out. In fact, many times over, they are not the right fit and that is alright. Sheila is not fazed by the rejections, the 2 dates which never progress past that point or the guys who are not what she had imagined. In fact, she realizes that turning over every stone will eventually yield a gem.
For those of you who are afraid to put yourself out there, give it up. Stop fearing the unknown and realize the statistics and odds of dating....you have to get into the game if you are ever going to find a fantastic partner. The more you date, the more you experience and the richer life will be. Not to mention, just think of the funny dating stories you can share over a glass of pinot with your girls!
Friday, August 13, 2010
The beauty of a sculpted body
Who is going to argue with the beauty of a sculpted man? Its almost so gorgeous that you want to strip off your clothes at the sight of something similar to this lovely photograph. If someone works that hard at looking that good, you know they have the dedication to do many other things.
hats off to sculpted abs, arms, chests and butts......
oh, and how good do they feel?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Feather Earrings...the fast track to sexy
Just think of how sexy you would look wearing luscious feathers....you could tickle your man with them, you could simply look gorgeous. The animal instinct would surely come out. Well, life is too short to dream.....enter to win a pair and take matters into your own hands ladies.
Free Feather Earrings....come get sexy
Check out these one-of-a-kind feather earrings. Glam Beauty has teamed up with DZ Divinationson Etsy for a feather earrings giveaway! She has graciously offered to give one lucky glammie a free pair of handmade, gorgeous earrings! One lucky glammie will walk away with this free pair of fabulous pink feather earrings, seen here and left.
Giveaway Dates: August 12, 2010 ~ August 20, 2010
Here’s what you do:
To enter this Glamorous Giveaway, you need to do one or more of the following and post a comment below about each action you took. (Each comment will count as a separate entry so your chances of winning increase but only #1 below is required)
1. Required: Visit DZ Divinations’ Etsy shop and happily browse away. Leave a comment on my page to let me know which is your favorite item.
2. Optional for additional entry: Share this entry by clicking on the “Share” button in right margin, or by subscribing to House of Glam Beauty by email. Leave a comment on my page to let me know you did it!
3. Optional for additional entry: Blog or repost on Facebook about this giveaway with a link to it and leave a URL I can visit.
4. Optional for additional entry: Follow DZ Divinations on Twitter or visit her Facebook pagefor her product updates! Become a follower or fan, and once again, leave a comment here letting me know you did it!
Giveaway Rules:
Open to residents of USA, age 18+ to enter. Contest ends at midnight PDT on August 20, 2010. Winners will be selected at random. Winner will be announced here on August 21, 2010. Thanks for entering and glam luck to you 
More items that will make you drool:
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
when it rains it pours
One day you are dating and in bliss town thinking of your future with some boy, then he dumps you out of nowhere. Without letting a single blade of sadness grow under your toes, you get your butt back in the game.
Day 1 post dumping, you have a date with a hotty. Your friends question your sanity, but you know that this is just what the doctor ordered. A healthy dose of confidence and some nice sides of distraction. Finally, you immerse yourself even further into the chocolate fondue when you join an online dating site, and alert some friends that you want to be set up with quality men. Then, the flood gates unleash. Men start pouring in like a storm in Georgia, keeping you almost too busy to contain them all.
some would say that when you have the right attitude, you become a magnet for boys. Its all in the attitude and the vibe you radiate, and suddenly you become a beacon of attraction suddenly. Perhaps?
If you want to have a flock of boys, then smile, be fun, carefree, put yourself out there (this is a hard one for most ladies because fear of rejection is much too high), and don't be afraid to be proactive yourself, who cares if they turn you down.....you have like 6 more in the rafters! Duh!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Shave your head boys
While hair is nice, and definitely a commodity that is hard to come by as men age, sometimes a nicely shaven head is really attractive. Lets take David Beckham for instance, he has a raw sexiness about him and hair may be nice on him as well but a shaved head really gives him a hot minimalist appeal.
Sometimes it is as simple as a change, and we all know change is good. Perhaps these men we know have grown too attached to their manes? What they don't realize is mixing things up can be an appealing thing, because perhaps the new shaven look will excite a whole new flock of ladies who like the look? Not to mention, hair grows, so even if its not your favorite style, it can grow back and give you a few different looks along the way. Don't be shy, just shave it.
Guys really do lie about their height!
Tabitha and her friends are not sure what it is, but they have encountered a portion of men that lie about their height. Whether its in person and you ask them the question or whether its on an online dating profile. They seem to add a few inches, without fail. Tabitha can verify this accusation from a recent experience. She is collecting data points on dating, and of course enjoying the free drinks and tasty meals along the way. But in all frankness, she does want to find a special someone even if she has to weed through the swamps to get to him.
Here is the scenario, his profile pictures look good. He seems dapper, successful, interesting and tall enough (5 foot 10 inches or so he claims).
Hair just blown dry, bouncy, shiny, cute mini skirt, fabulous 3.5 inch heels and feeling good as I approach the meeting spot for this particular date. A public place, in the middle of a park no less is the spot where I am supposed to meet this dark haired man. I approach and upon seeing him, all I can feel is the glaring instinct to run! He is probably 5 foot 7 or 5 foot 8 at most, because in my heels I am feeling like I am looking down at this pathetic little man. Of course, instead of running I decide to be charitable and stay, only to suffer from self inflicted misery for the next 1.5 hours. Not only is he shorter than what he says, but he is wearing awful elevator shoes with buckles, bells, whistles, well maybe not whistles, but certainly it was a disaster for the eyes. Then, the jeans were a light wash and baggy when baggy is not cool anymore. I am not talking about a nice, loose boyfriend fit rugged jean look, I am talking about MC Hammer with semi-pegged baggy in the thighs ugly wash jeans. Tabitha tried not to look. Then the shirt, it is almost too horrendous to describe. It appeared soiled around the neck area but she could not tell for sure, and he caught her looking a few too many times so she had to refrain. It was a snap up kind of style with 1980's red, blue and black geometric shapes and little speckles. If in any way it sounds retro cool, let us just tell you that it was not at all cool. It reminded Tabitha of the ugly, cheap Sears type of bed sheets one may buy back in 1984 that were made from low grade cotton, in a 80 thread count kind of way. BAD!
So I suppose if he was drop dead gorgeous and stylish and funny, and 5 foot 8 it may not matter, but considering he lied about his height and showed up in a horrendous outfit, well that is just unforgivable.
Here is the scenario, his profile pictures look good. He seems dapper, successful, interesting and tall enough (5 foot 10 inches or so he claims).
Hair just blown dry, bouncy, shiny, cute mini skirt, fabulous 3.5 inch heels and feeling good as I approach the meeting spot for this particular date. A public place, in the middle of a park no less is the spot where I am supposed to meet this dark haired man. I approach and upon seeing him, all I can feel is the glaring instinct to run! He is probably 5 foot 7 or 5 foot 8 at most, because in my heels I am feeling like I am looking down at this pathetic little man. Of course, instead of running I decide to be charitable and stay, only to suffer from self inflicted misery for the next 1.5 hours. Not only is he shorter than what he says, but he is wearing awful elevator shoes with buckles, bells, whistles, well maybe not whistles, but certainly it was a disaster for the eyes. Then, the jeans were a light wash and baggy when baggy is not cool anymore. I am not talking about a nice, loose boyfriend fit rugged jean look, I am talking about MC Hammer with semi-pegged baggy in the thighs ugly wash jeans. Tabitha tried not to look. Then the shirt, it is almost too horrendous to describe. It appeared soiled around the neck area but she could not tell for sure, and he caught her looking a few too many times so she had to refrain. It was a snap up kind of style with 1980's red, blue and black geometric shapes and little speckles. If in any way it sounds retro cool, let us just tell you that it was not at all cool. It reminded Tabitha of the ugly, cheap Sears type of bed sheets one may buy back in 1984 that were made from low grade cotton, in a 80 thread count kind of way. BAD!
So I suppose if he was drop dead gorgeous and stylish and funny, and 5 foot 8 it may not matter, but considering he lied about his height and showed up in a horrendous outfit, well that is just unforgivable.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The unexpected hot hook up
There are times when the blood running through your veins is heated, the stars are aligned and the hormones are hyped. Perhaps you have sucked down a few vodka & soda's, the music has you gyrating and jiving and you happen to be wearing a hot skirt and sexy shoes? The flirtation is there, without a doubt. The gentleman suitor is good looking, and those frequent touches send shivers down your spine. As the night proceeds, he brushes past you and you find yourself accidentally reaching past him to ensure bodily contact.
Wait, what am I doing? I was not planning on hooking up, but I am feeling like I just "can't fight this feeling anymore". I know it is going to happen, and crap, I just did not think this would happen to us, tonight.
20 minutes later your lips are meeting, he is squeezing your arms, and you are clutching his back and thinking, "holy crap, he is strong! " You both get even more turned on, as you climb on top of him. "Oohhhhhhkay, he is excited also" you feel as you his manhood and all of its tenacity. The rest is history, the unexpected hook up is fulfilling for the free spirited woman and perhaps regretful for the conservative lady. Seize the day...er the night.
Spray tan, IUD, bikini wax and no curfew
Penelope was already enjoying the new arrangement she had in life, which allowed for plenty of time doing what she wanted, loads of fun with her children and ample evening time for dates and dudes.
Despite the negative and sad part of the new situation, she was realizing there was quite a silver lining. She was happier than she had been in years, and her stress level was diminished all the while she was feeling better and better about herself. No one can argue that these are positive things despite anyone's ideals about marriage and love. No one should stay in a bad situation, and no should endure heartache, misery, pain and infidelity no matter what your promises are for life and eternal bonding. In a perfect world, surely Ms. Penelope wanted to have a lasting marriage and she worked hard to try to keep it together but after years of unhappiness, she shed the worthless other half and has embarked upon a new path sure to make her life and her children's life improved in a myriad of ways.
What do you do when you have not been single in decades? Talk to your single girlfriends to get the scoop on what is normal, what guys expect on a first date and what to do when they pin you in the car for a make out session. Do you sleep with a guy on date 3 or do you hold out? Do you have oral sex to avoid the penetration situation? Do you just do dinner and goodnight kisses until you become exclusive? My motto is go with whatever feels comfortable to you and don't worry about what anyone else thinks. In the end, you have to live with your decisions and your choices. For Ms. Penelope, she is armed and dangerous and living the dream! (tanned of course!)
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