Brandy woke up the next morning wondering why she had to suck face with Mark the night before, when she was really not that into it at all? We have all been there. We have a few drinks, we flirt, and then the game is on. Soon enough its that dangerous time of the evening when everyone goes home. What do you do? Experience tells Brandy that slipping out secretly is not a bad option at all. But during that particular evening, she had forgotten her logic. This may be a common trait when drinks are involved, we must remind ourselves of this. Closing time came, and they were forced to share a cab. While she had enough sense not to invite him up, she could not escape without the obligatory make out. Right there in the cab, he went in for the kiss and proceeded to keep his mouth glued to hers for far too long. She tried to get into it, as she figured it may as well be enjoyable. She imagined someone else. She tried to think of a romantic setting in France perhaps with moonlight upon them. Nothing worked. She just did not have sparks for this guy. The kiss was fine, no horrendous technique issues were present. But when you are not into someone, the kiss is just not good. Perhaps this was just what Brandy needed to be confident in who she liked and who didn't like. No harm, no foul that particular evening. But, we all can certainly relate to the obligatory make out. Kissy Kiss.
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