Penelope was not discerning on appearances, much to the dismay of her gal pals. But, c'est la vie....perhaps she was more open-minded than all of us? While on a business trip, she met Mr. Balding. He was not a gorgeous man: a tad bit round, a tad balding and pale. But someone he had a confidence that attracted Penelope. They ended up sucking back a few cocktails and went home together. At the time, Penelope was having a struggle with keeping her pants on, even if she did not plan for or want a sexual encounter, she fell prey to it and ended up naked and waking up to a new man all too often. After another encounter with Mr. Balding, she asked her friends if his behavior was normal. As the ladies sipped champagne on the boat, they listened in disbelief. Penelope went on to tell them that during her sexual encounters with Mr. Balding, he put a pillow over her head. Gasp, as champagne sprayed from Leeza's mouth! "What?" Penelope reassured them that this was true, "Yeah, I thought it was odd, but the sex was still good so I dealt with it." The girls tried to gently tell her that this behavior was not only abnormal, but rather macabre! The girls told Penelope not to ever let anyone put her in a corner, and never to let anyone put a pillow over her mug. This was unacceptable. The moral of the story: if a man tried to put a bag on your head, a pillow over your head, a mask on you or him....be scared, be very scared.
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