One evening, when 3 of the rockin chicks were out having drinks, a corral member aka Mr. Cat Room was texting like mad to meet up with Veronica. She finally gave in, he showed up and had a drink, but the other 2 girls were bored and quickly decided they would part ways. Mimi and Ina departed to a big club scene, where they were treated as VIPs and were amidst music, men and energy. Veronica continued to sip her drink with Mr. Cat Room until they both decided that it was time to face the reality of why they were both there. They simply wanted to hook up. Ok, she said it. She wanted nothing more, and who knows what he wanted, but this was all he was going to get. Veronica went back to his place, had her fun with him and felt sexy and enjoyed every bit of it.

But as he dozed off, she snuck out and without wanting to waste time, she grabbed what looked like a handful of black socks and her pair of boots and tip-toed out the front door and into the hallway of the building. Still buzzed from her cocktails, as well as embarrassed about her "rapid male-like departure" she sat down on the ground in front of his front door. There, she attempted to sort out the black socks, and realized she had her pair and his pair there in front of her. As she was struggling to pull on the socks and boots, the front door opens, and Mr. Cat Room looks down to find Veronica struggling with her boots outside his door in the middle of the night with no goodbye and then, he sees his socks, and asks, "why are you taking my socks?" The poor guy was confused, and apparently in all of his bewilderment thought Veronica was a sock burglar at that. She quickly handed him his socks, dusted herself off and stood up and said a quick goodbye and headed out to meet her 2 girls at the club. She was greeted with hours more of fun and excitement with Mimi and Ina, the evening lasted well into the morning. Perhaps the lesson here is, when you are trying to be stealth and sneak off, bring a pocket flashlight so you can ensure you get your belongings and not his?
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