Just when we thought adult life was dull in comparison to the juicy teen age dramas we all loved so very much. Any Rockin Chick or their male counterparts for that matter, remember the time when we were glued to the television, in disbelief of what was going down on 90210. Brenda fell in love with Dylan. He was her first, he had her heart, and she trusted him. Kelly was her best friend, she could depend on her and she trusted her of course. Someone like Brenda would only assume that if she went away for the summer, her boyfriend and her best friend would be looking out for her best interests. Assumptions can be pointless. We all know how heart-wrenching that awkward moment was when Kelly and Dylan appeared at Brenda's front door.

They wanted to confront Brenda and tell her everything. They wanted to bleed their souls of guilt and lay it out there, doing the right thing by finally coming clean. Brenda basically told them to screw off, ran away crying and who knows if Dylan and Kelly thought much about it that evening. The moral to this story is that any bizarre love triangle is going to end with someone being broken hearted. It may be temporary, and it may fizzle out and be kosher in the end. But for that uncomfortable period of time, it can be a real bizarro thing. Telling the truth will always make one feel better, even if you get a door slammed in your face, or a starbucks thrown at you. In the end, love hurts.
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