*These skills have been tested, and 99.9% of the time, these instructions will get you the boy that you want. Instructions must be followed closely for similar results.
1) Look around the room and locate the guy that makes your knees weak. Shoot high, don't hold back. Go for the best guy you can find so this chase is all the more rewarding when you score him.
2) You must make eye contact in order to proceed to the next steps. Try to coyly get his eye, by watching him, think sexy/devious thoughts to ensure that you have a certain look in your eyes. If your eyes meet long enough, smile slightly, just enough to make yourself approachable, but not enough to look too excited.
3) Continue this process for a while, ensuring to repeat the look, the smile, and all the while, think "confidence" when you are doing this. Imagine yourself standing there with a whip, and him beggin for mercy if you have to....whatever it takes, to make yourself regally confident and sexy all at the same time.
4) Take a walk past him, maintain some eye contact if you can, and position yourself so he has a nice view of you as you breeze by to the restroom. fling the hair for extra credit.
5) Continue giving him the eye, while laughing and chatting with friends so that he gets to see you looking happy and glamorous as well as sultry and saucy. Hold his eye just long enough that its slighly uncomfortable. Always position yourself in a good angle as well as in a perfect view of your prey.
6) Most of the time, you can get the prey to approach after all of this temptation that you have created. If so, enjoy your easy prey and continue to practice, as practice makes perfect.
7) If he does not approach, then grab your girls and relocate yourselves closer to him and his crew. Stand near them at the bar and open up more opportunity for conversation to arise with the prey.
8) If nothing happens, find something to comment on. For instance, "Wow look at that cougar over there, this is great people watching, isn't it?" Or "They sure pour strong drinks here, don't they? U gotta love that!" or something casual and easy like these examples. This usually does the trick and you are off to the races, in some form of conversation and you can hopefully take it from there.
9) If none of these work well, but you really don't want to let him get away, then just be bold, (extra bold) hand him your card, and tell him that he should call you sometime and see what happens. Why not, take a gamble.
10) Once you have the boy in your web, smile coyly, touch his shoulder to let him know there is interest and also to cop a quick feel on how his arms are doing.
Voila, these tactics have enable ladies to score the boy of their dreams many a time.....just remember its all about sexy eyes, a smile and confidence! Now go find some prey!
Louis Vuitton! Edinburgh- Day 1
14 years ago