Heading back to the counter, they notice the dark, handsome pilot eyeing us. Sneaky glances, flirty intentions abound. they grab the boarding passes and enter the tunnel to the plane, once inside the coug busts out, "he liked me better." She turns to see that the pilot is right behind her. Oh crap, that was loud! The cub continues to say, "Yeah I am attracting all of the little boys these days" And much to their dismay, the pilot says "I can hear you girls!" They are busted by the pilot. They part ways as he moves to the cock pit and the girls go back to our humble middle seats. Then they realize that they simply cannot miss the opportunity to toy with the pilot. The girls spring back up and head to the front of the plane, the nice older flight attendant waives them through to the cockpit. There were gadgets everywhere, the seats were super plush, they got the low down on everything from turbulence planning to autopilot, to the altitudes you can fly to burn less fuel......then they got to sit in the big pilot seats and wear the captain hats! The pilots were more than generous with the girls and very informative as well. Finally, the flight attendant had to put an end to the flirtations and kicked them out so they could take off. But the fun does not end there. The pilots, each of them, found some reason to do a lap through the plane to check the girls out once more and give them the VIP hello amidst the herds of random passengers. Despite the crumby middle seats, the girls felt so VIP and in the know. About an hour before landing the ladies get a creative surge and write a poem to the pilot on the barf bag. The poem turned out fabulous, commenting on everything from his turbulence management to this big strong arms to the choices he would face between the coug and the cub? Cub takes the note up to the front to ask the flight attendant to pass it along to the boys. She turns back and the lady opens it, covering her mouth, laughing, calling the other flight attendants to run over and read it. They all huddle around giggling and pass it up to the pilot boys. So, the ladies had provided some amusement for the airline staff this particular evening. At the close of the flight, they bond with the pilot, hang out in the "cock" pit, exchange info and part ways.
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