Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Advice to Men: What not to say

Dear Men, 
if you are in a relationship, or hoping to nab a great woman that you've had your eye on, there are a few topics of conversation you should always steer clear of.  The Rockin Chicks care, and want to help.  Here is what NOT to say:
1) "Yea, you probably should go to the gym." This is not flat out telling us that we have gained weight, but we know exactly where you're going with this one.
2) "She's so hot!" This is okay, but it's all about context, and who it is you're referring to. Friends or enemies are off limits, and most are little sisters.
3) "I love you", if you don't really mean it. As soon as you say this you are putting yourself in a committed relationship with responsibilities and then there will be expectations. If you are not ready for this step...stay away from any love conversations.

4) "My ex always/never/or was good at"…we don't want to hear it, at all. We don't want to hear about what you loved about your ex, or very many stories at all about "her" unless we ask.  When dating a new person, it should be about moving forward!

5) Talking about your money. Cockiness is a turn off, and most of the time when men talk about how much money they make, it's a red flag that the exact opposite is probably the truth. Arrogance is NOT a turn on.

6) “Can I kiss you?” Ugh, flashbacks of high school. This gives us the impressions you don't have the guts to take initiative, and possibly that you have some serious confidence issues. Just go for it. If you feel a connection, it will be well received .

7) “You're overreacting/being too sensitive.” Just a word to the wise…this never goes over well.

8) "Do you want to split it?" This question should just not arise when you are looking at a bill for 2 sandwiches and 2 iced teas.  Just pay the bill. Really?

9) When she does insist on taking you out, and paying the bill, don't say, "oh, cool" but please remember to say "thank you" to your lovely new lady.

I am skipping the 10th for now.......I feel like 9 is enough for most guys to gain some real insights.  

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What makes men "Undateable"

We love men, we really do.  However, as Ellen Rakieten and Anne Coyle point out in their book Undateable, there are several things a man can do that will have us running in the opposite direction.

Their book can be 
“an essential rating system that ranges from minor red-flag offenses all the way to the irreversible kiss of death.” 

Here are a few items that we can strongly stand by these women on.
Sunglasses indoors
Mr. Have You Met My Chest
Tween texters
Pointy, Shiny Shoes
Men Who Don't Like Animals
Men With Highlights

The Rockin Chicks can also contribute to this list:
Guys who email/text but won't actually pick up the phone to speak to you
Guys who eat with their mouths open
Guys who cannot remember important dates or facts, but remember sports stats miraculously
Guys who wear Ed Hardy anything
Guys who get wasted and claim to have forgotten every last thing about the evening

What gets you going in the morning?

For Ms. Gigi, the recipe for success in the morning is a magic pill and a puff of a nicely rolled joint.  No lies!  Ms. Gigi is a whirlwind in designer frocks, balancing conference calls and speaking engagements and make no mistake:  she takes the world by storm with this breakfast concoction.  She does more by 10 am than most of us do in the whole day.  And she does it with style.  She does it with so much style that other girls are frothing at the mouth with jealousy as they ogle her fine leather handbags, her glossy bangles and her shiny hair.  She throws on her shades, and zips out of the house to conquer the world and thinks nothing of it.  Some ladies like a good jolt of caffeine, others a diet coke out of the gates, and some just stay in bed a little longer clinging to all the beauty sleep they can get their hands on. The key is personalizing your breakfast concoction to whatever it is that makes you smile.  Every rockin chick needs a good boost in the morning to start their day off right, and to make them feel like a superstar.  Go Ms. Gigi, get your mix on.