A gorgeous, single girl named Maricella was searching for Mr. Right, and in the meantime was dating some Mr. "ok -for-now" kind of gents. Everyone loves getting flowers, and even better when arrive at the office, leaving the other females green with envy.
Maricella worked in a big glass building, so everyone could see if a flower delivery truck was pulling up and what was being carried inside. One day, Maricella was brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers from a delivery man, she was all smiles as she tore open the card to see a note from one of the boys she was dating. With a blissful sigh, she place them carefully on her desk. A few hours later, she sees a different boy she is dating pull up, so she scoots the flowers over a bit, and positions them strategically as the "office flowers". Boy #2 walks into the glass building carrying a bouquet of bright, beautiful flowers and takes a second glance at the bouquet, but chats with Maricella and leaves behind another set of flowers. This had created quite a bit of attention at the glass office, with everyone chatting about the girl who got 2 sets of flowers in one day from different boys. Then, to add insult to injury, boy #3 stops by with yet another set of fragrant, fresh flowers before the day is over. The office was in an uproar, and some jealous females had nothing but gossip to share about the girl juggling boys at the front desk! Some girls never get flowers sent to them at work, and what a shame that is. But Maricella knows 3s a charm! Good thing Ms. Maricella is off the market, so the office vultures can hope for an ounce of attention for themselves!